Cybersecurity Policy and Its Implementation in Indonesia

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Anggoro Yulianto


The aim of national defense is to protect and save the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the sovereignty of the state, and its security from all kinds of threats, both military and non-military. One of the non-military threats that could potentially threaten the sovereignty and security of the nation-state is the misuse of technology and information in cyberspace. This paper is intended to analyze the cybersecurity policy in Indonesia and its challenges. This paper highlighted that the threat of irresponsible cyber attacks can be initiated by state and non-state actors. The actor may be an individual, a group of people, a faction, an organization, or even a country. Therefore, the government needs to anticipate cyber threats by formulating a cyber security strategy and determining comprehensive steps to defend against cyber attacks; type and scale of retaliation, and drafting the rule of law.

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How to Cite
Yulianto, A. (2021). Cybersecurity Policy and Its Implementation in Indonesia. Law Research Review Quarterly, 7(1), 69-82.
Author Biography

Anggoro Yulianto, Information and Communication Technology Awareness Community Movement (Gerakan Masyarakat Sadar Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, GEMASTIK)

Anggoro Yulianto is an activist and community empowerment activist. Currently, his activities assist the community by increasing public awareness of information technology and its impacts. Anggoro is actively advocating for various cases related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and technology.


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