Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment: Solutions to the Indonesia Economy during The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Muhammad Iqbal Baiquni
Vena Lidya Khairunissa


Foreign investment is one of the crucial instruments for a country in promoting economic growth for the sake of creating public welfare. Indonesia as a country with abundant economic potential, requires foreign investors to solve problems, especially related to sustainable development and suppress the high unemployment rate. Legal reform in increasing the realization of foreign investment entering Indonesia is realized through the Omnibus Law in the Job Creation Act to create a good and healthy investment climate. The presence of Covid-19 has caused the country's economy to experience a significant decline. The presence of the Job Creation Act in accelerating foreign investment into Indonesia is expected to encourage the strengthening of the national economy after the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there are problems in its implementation caused by the guarantee of legal certainty in running business activities and overlapping regulations in business licensing. The research method used is normative legal research. This study uses the Statute approach. The technique of tracing legal materials uses library research techniques, and analysis of studies using qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Government has made maximum efforts by issuing various regulations or policies to revive the investment climate in Indonesia so that the country's economic growth can increase, and is able to provide legal certainty in doing business in Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Baiquni, M. I., & Khairunissa, V. L. (2022). Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment: Solutions to the Indonesia Economy during The Covid-19 Pandemic. Law Research Review Quarterly, 8(2), 171-184.
Author Biographies

Muhammad Iqbal Baiquni, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Muhammad Iqbal Baiquni is a student of the Faculty of Law at the State University of Semarang. Completed high school education at SMA Negeri 106 Jakarta, then continued his higher education in the Department of Law, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Law, State University of Semarang in 2019. In addition, he was active in various organizations such as Lex Scientia FH UNNES, UNNES Research UKM, Group Studying Civil-Commercial Law (PCLC FH UNNES) and the Indonesian Law Student Writers Association (IPMHI). The person concerned is also active in off-campus activities such as internships in various places including; Liaison for Central Java Judicial Commission (2021), Legal Bureau of Semarang City Secretary (2021). Currently, he is mandated by the Law Student Writers Association as the Minister of Research and Development for the 2021/2022 Period.

Vena Lidya Khairunissa, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Vena Lidya Khairunissa is a student at the Faculty of Law at the State University of Semarang. She completed high school education at SMA Negeri 5 Semarang, then continued her higher education in the Department of Law, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Law, the State University of Semarang in 2019. In addition, he is active in organizations such as UKM Fiat Justicia UNNES and the Student Publishing and Press Agency ( BP2M) UNNES. In 2019, she became a member of Commission 1 (Advocacy Commission) of Fiat Justicia. In 2021, she was entrusted with being the treasurer of Fiat Justicia Unnes. Meanwhile, at BP2M UNNES in 2021 until now, she has been entrusted with being an Express bulletin reporter and a member of the Company's Leaders. The author is also involved in off-campus activities such as: an internship in Liaison with the Central Java Judicial Commission (2021) and the Legal Bureau of the Semarang City Secretary (2021).


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