Sutasoma: Jurnal Sastra Jawa

openly accepts manuscripts of scientific articles resulting from research in the fields of Javanese literature, Javanese local culture and wisdom, Javanese linguistics, and Javanese philology or manuscripts. Manuscripts are written in English or Indonesian and will first be reviewed by the editorial board. The proposed manuscript must be the result of original research and/or development, and attach a statement that it has never been published in another publication.


Manuscripts are written in English or Indonesian. Manuscripts will be reviewed in advance by the editorial board. Manuscripts must be submitted in Word document files (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) files. The manuscript consists of 3000-5000 words, well typed in two columns on A4 size paper, using 10 pt Calisto MT. The manuscript contains original work and has contributed to scientific progress.


The manuscript must contain the following sections in order:


Indonesian/English title: comprehensive, clear and concise. Titles are limited to no more than 15 words including spaces. Capitalize each word. Article titles, section titles, and subsections are in bold.

B. Nama Penulis

Full name without titles and positions, capital letters at the beginning of each word without using the word by. Write down all the authors' names by giving the numbers according to the order.

C. Affiliation for each author

Author's name must be accompanied by full affiliation address and e-mail address ( Coressponding Author ) specifically for the first author.

D. Abstract

Written briefly in Indonesian and English in one paragraph of 150-200 words, contains background, research objectives, methodology, results, research conclusions, and research implications. If the article is in English, then the abstract is sufficient in English only.

E. Keywords

Below the abstract, key words are listed, a maximum of five words or phrases without ending with a full stop. Key words must reflect the important concepts in the article.

F. Introduction

The introduction explains the background, explains the phenomenon of the actual problem under study, the importance of the research, a brief review of the literature that is directly related to previous research or findings that need to be developed, innovation or newness in research. The introduction ends with a research objective paragraph written without subchapters. All that is quoted or referred to must be written in the bibliography. The introduction is presented in the form of a paragraph of approximately 1000 words.

G. Research Methods

The method contains the type or nature of research, data sources, data, data collection techniques used, data collection instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods.

H. Results and Discussion

Presented in sub-chapters of no more than three levels and without using numbers, presents and discusses clearly the subject matter with reference to the problem and purpose of writing; tables, graphs, pictures and/or photos (if any) are numbered, title and full description and quoted in the text. Tables, graphs, pictures and/or photos are numbered according to the order in which they appear. Data in the form of images or tables should be data that has been processed. Inclusion of tables or images that are too long (more than 1 page) should be avoided. Tables and figures must be clearly legible and can be printed properly because the manuscript will be printed in black and white (for writers who want printed evidence). Inclusion of tables or data that is too long (more than one page) should be avoided. Referrals, citations, or the inclusion of pictures, tables, and so on using numbering, not with the words "as follows", "as below", and so on. Example: "The structure of writing news titles in the Kompas daily literary column is presented in table 4". Pictures, tables, graphs, photos should be placed as close as possible to the related text. Tables only use horizontal lines or minimize the use of vertical lines. Each table column must be assigned a header or Tables only use horizontal lines or minimize the use of vertical lines. Each table column must be assigned a header or Tables only use horizontal lines or minimize the use of vertical lines. Each table column must be assigned a header orheadings . Research results are discussed to answer the problem formulation, objectives, and research hypotheses. It is strongly recommended that the discussion focus on why and how research findings may occur and to broaden where research findings can be applied to other relevant issues.

I. Conclusion

Conclusions must answer the problems formulated and research objectives. The conclusion is not a summary nor is it a rewriting of the discussion. Presented in one paragraph without any form of numeric expression.

J. Acknowledgments (optional)

Contributors who are not named as authors can be listed. Specific contributions should be described. The source of funding for research must be explained, both the research funder and the amount of the grant (if any).


Manuscripts are written using standard citation applications (Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero). APA (American Psychological Association) reference style. Article excerpts written by two authors, both authors must be mentioned, but for three or more authors only the first author is mentioned followed by et al., for example Rahayu & Sudarsono (2015), Subekti et al. (2014). A series of references must be presented in date order (Retnoningsih et al., 2005; Indriyanti et al., 2007; Rahayuningsih, 2010). Different publications with the same author and year will be presented separately, as follows 2013a, 2013b. Unpublished data references and personal communications must not appear in the list but must be cited in text only (eg, Rifai MA 2015, (personal communication); Indriyanti DR 2014, unpublished data). In the bibliography, references must be listed in alphabetical order.

Minimum 15 references, 80% primary references and 20% secondary references. Primary references consist of journals, proceedings/papers, research reports, theses, theses, dissertations, while secondary references include general books and online sources of scientific information.

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