The Development of Android-Based Learning Media on Ecosystem Materials to Train Students' Cognitive Ability

  • Widhi Sarwestri Firmaningrum Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Yustinus Ulung Anggraito


The background of this research refers to the importance of the use of information technology in education. In connection with implementing online learning due to the pandemic, they also support the development of learning media by utilizing information technology. The results of the national examination on ecosystem material in Wonosobo Regency in 2019 are still not optimal. Based on the results of interviews and filling out questionnaires by teachers and students, the learning media used in the ecosystem material is less attractive to students so that it makes learning interest low and has an impact on learning outcomes. This study aims to develop Android-based learning media on ecosystem materials that can be used to support learning. The research method used is Research and Development with a 4-D model that has been modified into define, design, and develop. Retrieval of data in this study using interview guidelines, validation sheets, response questionnaires, and question sheets. The results showed that based on the material and media expert validation of the developed Android-based learning media, the criteria were very valid with an average percentage of 88% and 98.27%. Meanwhile, the responses of students and teachers to Android-based learning media get an average percentage of 84.93% and 92.18% with very high criteria. Based on the results of the evaluation to train students' cognitive abilities, it got a percentage of 91.25% with a very high success category. The development of Android-based learning media is expected to be used as a reference in learning activities.
