
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) memperoleh perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan model cooperative learning metode TSTS berbasis konstruktivisme materi trigonometri yang valid; (2) mengetahui apakah pembelajaran matematika dengan model cooperative learning metode TSTS berbasis konstruktivisme materi trigonometri efektif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan menggunakan modifikasi model Plomp. Jenis perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah Silabus, RPP, Buku Siswa, LKS, dan Tes Hasil Belajar . Data penelitian diperoleh melalui: (1) lembar validasi; (2) pengamatan; (3) angket, dan (4) tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) setelah melalui proses validasi dan revisi diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran berupa Silabus, RPP,  Buku Siswa, LKS, dan  THB yang valid; (2) proses pembelajaran matematika dengan model cooperative learning metode two stay two stray berbasis konstruktivisme efektif. Efektifitas ditandai dengan (a) tercapainya ketuntasan prestasi belajar siswa secara individual lebih dari atau sama dengan 66 dan klasikal lebih dari atau sama dengan 75%; (b) prestasi belajar siswa dipengaruhi secara bersama-sama oleh aktivitas dan motivasi siswa sebesar 71,8%; dan (c) rata-rata prestasi belajar kelas uji coba perangkat lebih baik daripada prestasi belajar kelas kontrol.


This study aims to : (1) get the effective mathematic learning instrument using cooperative learning model of two stay two stay (TSTS) method based on constructivism on the subject matter of trigonometry; (2) know whether or not mathematic learning  using cooperative learning model of TSTS method based on constructivism of trigonometry material is effective. The type of research used in this study is development research using modification of Plomp model. The teaching instruments developed in this study are syllabus, Lesson plan, students’ guideline, LKS, and learning result test (THB). The finding of the research: (1) validation sheet; (2) observation; (3) questionnaire, and (4) learning result testing. It show that (1) after passing the validation and revision, the valid syllabus, lesson plan, students guideline, LKS, and THB are achieved; (2) mathematic learning process using cooperative learning model of two stay two stay method based on constructivism is effective. This effectiveness is shown by (a) the individual passing grade of the students is more than and equal to 66 and classical passing grade is more than or equal to 75%; (b) students learning achievement is collectively influenced by students’ activity and motivation as many as 71,8%; and (c) average learning achievement of experiment class is better than control class.