Premarital Sexual Behaviour Among Urban-rural School Teenagers in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia: Comparative Study


Sartiah Yusran
Astina Astina
Yusuf Sabilu
La Ode Muhammad Sety
Akifah Akifah
Farit Rezal


Premarital sex among teenagers keeps soaring by the day across the globe. Indonesia is faced with high levels of sexual promiscuity among adolescents. This research aimed to examine the differences in premarital sexual curiosity between teenagers in rural and urban settings. The population for the research involved 266 senior high school students drawn from Kendari city and the rural area of Ladongi, Southeast Sulawesi, using the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. The research method used a cross-sectional study with a comparative design using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results revealed differences in premarital sexual behavior (p = 0.026), media information (p = 0,000), school’s roles (p = 0,000), and first age of dating (p = 0.038) between teenagers in rural and urban setting. However, there was no difference in knowledge regarding premarital sexual behavior (p = 0.159) and peer pressure (p = 0.219) between rural and urban teenagers.


Author Biographies

Sartiah Yusran, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia

Scholar Google

Astina Astina, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia


Yusuf Sabilu, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia

Scholar Google

Scopus ID: 57201998032

La Ode Muhammad Sety, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia

Scholar Google

Akifah Akifah, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia

Scholar Google

Farit Rezal, Faculty of Public Health, Univeristy of Halu Oleo, Indonesia

Scopus ID: 57202016554

How to Cite
Yusran, S., Astina, A., Sabilu, Y., Sety, L. O. M., Akifah, A., & Rezal, F. (2022). Premarital Sexual Behaviour Among Urban-rural School Teenagers in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia: Comparative Study. Unnes Journal of Public Health, 11(1), 65-74.


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