
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keefektifan tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains pada pembelajaran IPA terpadu tema energi untuk siswa SMP/MTs. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Ada dua tahapan dalam  penelitian ini, yaitu tahap proses pengembangan tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains dan uji efektivitas. Dalam penelitian ini efektivitas diukur dari hasil keterampilan proses sains siswa dan hasil tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains siswa. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu  validator menilai bahwa tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains layak. Pada  uji coba skala kecil dan skala besar siswa memberikan penilaian baik pada tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains. Selain itu tanggapan siswa dan guru terhadap tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains menunjukan tanggapan yang sangat baik. Pada uji coba pemakaian diketahui bahwa kriteria tes diagnostik  dapat terpenuhi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tes diagnostik keterampilan proses sains efektif dan layak digunakan sebagai instrument tes dalam pembelajaran IPA terpadu tema energi di SMP/MTs.



This study aims to assess the effectiveness sains process skills of diagnostic test on Integrated Science learning for students on energy theme for Junior High School students. This research is a Research and Development (R & D). There are two stages in this study, the stage of the diagnostic test development of skills sains process and test effectiveness. In this study the effectiveness measured from the results of students’ sains process skills and the results of diagnostic test students' sains process skills. The results of this study are the validator assessing that sains process skills diagnostic test proper. On a small scale trials and large-scale student give a good assessment on sains process skills diagnostic test. In addition the responses of students and teachers to the sains process skills diagnostic test showed a very good response. At trial of the use is known that the criteria of diagnostic test are fulfilled. Based on the results of diagnostic test showed that sains process skills effective and fit for use as a test instrument in integrated science teaching on energy theme in Junior High School students.