Supply Chain Performance Analysis of Plant Seedling Distribution System Using Supply Chain Operations Reference Method

  • Devi Ajeng Efrilianda Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Danendra Yassar Adhirajasa Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Distribution Process, KPI, SCM, SCOR


In the industrial world, distribution activities are one of the important things in the flow of a business process. The role of advances in information technology also has a considerable good impact on the process of exchanging information in business processes. The XYZ agency is responsible for organizing the distribution of plant seeds to all communities and farmer groups as an effort to improve the economy in the agro-industrial sector. However, there are obstacles in the distribution process activities carried out by the XYZ agency such as the lack of harmonization of information exchange with regional posts. This causes the distribution process to be hampered and also not even distributed. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the process flow using the Supply Chain Management (SCM) method to manage seeds distribution management appropriately. SCM elaborates each supply chain process in detail by categorizing each process with the attributes of plan, source, make, deliver, and return. In addition, performance measurement using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model is carried out to determine and provide recommendations for improvements needed for each related performance metric. There are 31 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are in accordance with the distribution process and validated in XYZ agency. The result of performance measurement based on the Key Performance Indicator reached 83.12, which indicated the performance monitoring of the actual seeds distribution process by XYZ agency at the Good level.

How to Cite
Efrilianda, D., & Adhirajasa, D. (2023). Supply Chain Performance Analysis of Plant Seedling Distribution System Using Supply Chain Operations Reference Method. Journal of Advances in Information Systems and Technology, 5(1), 106-116.