Mereduksi Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa SMP melalui Layanan Penguasaan Konten dengan Teknik Self Management


indrajati kunwijaya


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas layanan penguasaan konten dengan teknik self-management untuk mengurangi prokrastinasi akademiki siswa. Penilitian ini memiliki 2 variabel, yaitu variabel terikat prokastinasi akademik siswa (y) dan variabel bebas layanan penguasaan konten dengan teknik self managemen (x). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, menggunakan one-group pretest-posttest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 siswa kelas VIIA di SMP Negeri 4. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan yaitu skala prokrastinasi akademik. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif presentase dan t-test diperoleh thitung = 14,382 > ttabel = 2,039. Maka terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat prokrastinasi akademik siswa sebelum dan setelah diberikan layanan penguasaan konten dengan teknik self-management.

The purpose of this research is to prove the effectiveness of content mastery services with self-management techniques to reduce student academic procrastination. This research had two variable,  there were variable that tie on academic procrastination (Y), free variable of content mastery services with self-management techniques (X). The type of this research is experimental research, used pre-experiment research using one group pretest and posttest design. The sample in this research was 32 students of class VIIA SMP Negeri 4 Purwokerto. The technique to get the sample was use purposive sampling technique. Data collection method used is an academic procrastination scale. The instrument has been tested for use in research the validity of the formula used by the Pearson product moment and reliability of the instrument with Alpha formula. The results of the research using descriptive percentage and t-test analyze shows that the student academic procrastination decreases significantly (tscore  = 14,382 > ttale = 2,039) through mastery of content services with self-management techniques. Thus, content mastery services with self-management techniques is effective to determine the student academic procrastination.


How to Cite
kunwijaya, indrajati. (2018). Mereduksi Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa SMP melalui Layanan Penguasaan Konten dengan Teknik Self Management. Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application, 7(3), 44-48.


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