
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai peneliti dengan metode eksplorasi dalam pembelajaran seni budaya dan keterampilan (SBK) kelas I SD Negeri 02 Wanamulya Pemalang materi gerak tari kreatif, yaitu meningkatkan aktivitas, hasil belajar dan performansi guru. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan pada akhir siklus menggunakan tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Indikator keberhasilan dari PTK  yaitu, hasil belajar atau jumlah siswa yang mendapat nilai sesuai KKM (≥65) minimal 75%, aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran minimal 75%, dan performansi guru dalam pembelajaran minimal B (≥70). Hasil penelitian dari penilaian hasil belajar siswa kelas I pada siklus I yaitu: (1) rata-rata kelas 64; (2) ketuntasan belajar klasikal 67,86% ; (3) rata-rata aktivitas siswa 67,74%; (4) nilai performansi guru 78. Hasil belajar pada siklus II yaitu : (1) rata-rata kelas 75,83; (2) ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal 71,25%; (3) rata-rata aktivitas siswa 73,55%; (4) nilai performansi guru 80,63. Hasil belajar pada siklus III yaitu : (1) rata-rata kelas 79,52; (2) ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal 92,86%; (3) rata-rata aktivitas siswa 84,33%; (4) nilai performansi guru 88,75. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa metode eksplorasi dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar SBK materi  gerak tari kreatif kelas I SDN 02 Wanamulya Pemalang tahun pelajaran 2011/2012.

Research objectives to be achieved by the method of exploration in art and culture of learning and skills (SBK) class I Elementary School 02 Wanamulya Pemalang creative dance material, which increases the activity, learning outcomes and teacher performance. Research conducted an action research class (PTK). Data collection techniques used at the end of the cycle test, observation, and documentation. Indicator of the success of PTK, namely, the study or the number of students who scored according to KKM (≥ 65) at least 75%, the activity of students in the learning of at least 75%, and the performance of teachers in the learning of at least B (≥ 70). The results of the assessment of student learning outcomes in first grade I cycle, namely: (1) an average of 64 classes, (2) 67.86% completeness classical learning, (3) an average of 67.74% student activities, (4) the performance of teachers 78. Learning outcomes in the second cycle, namely: (1) an average of 75.83 classes, (2) completeness in the classical learning 71.25%, (3) an average of 73.55% student activities, (4) the performance of teachers 80 , 63. Learning outcomes in the cycle III are: (1) an average of 79.52 classes, (2) completeness in the classical learning 92.86%, (3) the average activity of 84.33% of students, (4) the performance of teachers 88 , 75. Based on the results of the study concluded that the method can enhance the activity of exploration and learning outcomes materials SBK creative dance class I Wanamulya Pemalang SDN 02 school year 2011/2012.