
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa materi Peristiwa Sekitar Proklamasi pada siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Gondang Pemalang melalui pembelajaran model jigsaw. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui tes dan nontes. Hasil penelitian pra tindakan, diperoleh nilai rata-rata tes awal 68,73, persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa 58,54%. Pada siklus I menunjukkan rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa sebesar 78,24 dengan persentase tuntas belajar klasikal sebesar 65,85%, keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran mencapai 68,25% dengan kriteria tinggi, dan nilai performansi guru sebesar 76,88 dengan kriteria nilai B. Pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan pada rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa sebesar 80,73 dengan persentase tuntas belajar klasikal mencapai 75,61%, keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran sebesar 75,15% dengan kriteria sangat tinggi, dan nilai performansi guru mencapai 84,58 dengan kriteria nilai AB. Hasil tes akhir memperoleh nilai rata-rata 79,46, persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa 78,05%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui penerapan model jigsaw dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan hasil belajar siswa serta performansi guru kelas V SD Negeri 01 Gondang Pemalang.

The purpose of this research is to improve the activity and student learning outcomes Events Around Proclamation materials in class V Elementary School 01 Gondang Pemalang through learning jigsaw models. Data collection techniques used were through the test and nontes. The results pre-action, the value of the average pretest 68.73, percentage of student mastery 58.54%. In the first cycle shows the average value of the students' completion percentage of 78.24 with 65.85% of classical learning, active students in the learning process reached 68.25% with high criteria, and the value of 80.25 with teacher performance criteria value of AB. In the second cycle there was an increase in the average value of student learning outcomes at 80.73 with a percentage pass the study classical reach 75.61%, active students in the learning process by 75.15% with very high criteria, and the value of teachers' performance reached 86, 67 with criterion A. The results of the post test scored an average of 79.46, the percentage of student mastery 78.05%. Based on these results, we can conclude that through the application of the jigsaw can enhance learning activities and student learning outcomes as well as the performance of fifth grade elementary school teacher 01 Gondang Pemalang