Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menguji keefektifan penerapan Kartu Pintar Pengetahuan terhadap aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA materi Struktur Bumi. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V MI Walisongo Kranji 02, terdiri dari 24 siswa kelompok eksperimen dan 26 siswa kelompok kontrol. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi experimental berbentuk nonequivalent control group design. Uji hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan independent samples t test dan uji pihak kanan pooled varian. Hasil uji independent samples t test aktivitas dan hasil belajar menunjukkan bahwa t hitung> t tabel (2,734 > 2,322) dan (2,746 > 2,322) yang berarti terdapat perbedaan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPAmateri struktur bumi antara yang menerapkan kartu pintar pengetahuandibandingkan dengan siswa yang menerapkan model konvensional. Selanjutnya, hasil uji pihak kanan aktivitas dan hasil belajar menggunakan rumus pooled varian menunjukkan thitung >ttabel (2,784 > 2,017) dan (2,408 > 2,017) yang berarti aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA materi struktur bumi antara yang menerapkan kartu pintar pengetahuanlebih baik dari siswa yang menerapkan model konvensional. Berdasarkan independent samples t test dan uji pihak kanan dapat disimpulkan bahwa media kartu pintar pengetahuanefektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA materi struktur bumi di kelas V MI Walisongo Kranji 02
The purpose of this research to test the effectiveness of the application of the a smart card of knowledge to the learning activities and learning outcomes structure of the earth material science. The research sample grade V MI Walisongo Kranji 02, which consists of 24 students at experiment group and 26 students at control group. The design of this research used quasi experimental in the form of non-equivalent control group design. This research hypothesis test using independent samples t test and pooles variance. Results of the independent samples t test the learning activity and learning outcomes show that t count> t table (2,734 > 2,322) and (2,746> 2,322) which means that there is a difference in thelearning activity and learning outcomes material of structure of the earthscience among which apply media kartu pintar pengetahuan compared to students who apply to conventional models. Furthemore, the test results of pooles varians shows t count> t table (2,784 > 2,017) and (2,408 > 2,017) which means the learning activity and learning outcomes material of structure of the earthscience among which apply smart card of knowledge better than students who apply to conventional models. Based on independents samples t test and pooled variance can be inferred that smart card of knowledge effective used in learning science matter structure of the earth in class V MI Walisongo Kranji 02