Tujuan penelitan ini untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi profesional guru geografi SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Semarang, dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi guru geografi dalam membangun kompetensi profesional. Hasil penelitian kompetensi profesionalisme guru geografi SMA Negeri Kabupaten Semarang berkategori cukup kompeten dengan skor 63%. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam membangun kompetensi profesional antara lain: kurangnya minat guru untuk berinovasi, lemahnya motivasi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi profesional, keterbatasan media pembelajaran. Saran dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagi sekolah diharapkan meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru Geografi agar lebih baik. Peningkatan profesional guru dilakukan dengan mewajibkan tiap guru untuk selalu merefleksi diri dalam pembelajaran, melaksanakan Penilaian Tindakan Kelas, dan pemanfaatan sarana TIK secara maksimal. Bagi guru, penulis menyampaikan guru harus bisa mengembangkan kinerjanya dan memenuhi standar kompetensi guru dengan cara menambah wawasan dalam bidang geografi melalui PPG (Pelatihan Pendidikan Guru), aktif mengikuti seminar.
Research purposes are evaluates the professional competence of teachers of geography high schools in Semarang district, and the constraints faced by teachers of geography in developing professional competence. The results showed that the competence of State High School geography teacher professionalism in Semarang District categorized fairly competent with a score of 63%. Constraints faced by teachers in developing professional competencies include: lack of interest of teachers to innovate, lack of motivation to improve the professional competence, instructional media limitations. Suggestions in this research that the school is expected to enhance the professional competence of teachers of Geography for the better. Increasing teachers’ professional done by requiring each teacher to always reflect themselves in learning, implementing Assessment Class Actions, and the utilization of information communication technology to the fullest. For teachers, the authors convey the teacher should be able to develop and meet the performance standards of teacher competence by increasing knowledge in the field of geography through PPG (Teacher Education Training), actively participated in the seminar.
Research purposes are evaluates the professional competence of teachers of geography high schools in Semarang district, and the constraints faced by teachers of geography in developing professional competence. The results showed that the competence of State High School geography teacher professionalism in Semarang District categorized fairly competent with a score of 63%. Constraints faced by teachers in developing professional competencies include: lack of interest of teachers to innovate, lack of motivation to improve the professional competence, instructional media limitations. Suggestions in this research that the school is expected to enhance the professional competence of teachers of Geography for the better. Increasing teachers’ professional done by requiring each teacher to always reflect themselves in learning, implementing Assessment Class Actions, and the utilization of information communication technology to the fullest. For teachers, the authors convey the teacher should be able to develop and meet the performance standards of teacher competence by increasing knowledge in the field of geography through PPG (Teacher Education Training), actively participated in the seminar.
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Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tentang standar isi No. 22 Tahun 2006. http://slideshare.net/smpbudiagung/permen-no-22-tahun-2006/ (diunduh 21 januari 2012).
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional tentang RPP dan Standar Proses No. 41 Tahun 2007. http://d2sratman.wordpress.com/ 2012/01/16/rpp-permen-diknas-no-41-th-2007/ (diunduh 21 januari 2012).
Prihadi, Syaiful F. 2004. Pengukuran dan Pengembangan Kompetensi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
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Suharini, Erni. 2009. ”Studi tentang kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional bagi Guru SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Pati”. Dalam Jurnal Jurusan Geografi Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol. 6. No.2.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen. http://lkbh.uny.ac.id/sites/ (diunduh 20 januari 2012).
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