
Iwan Fataha
Tandiyo Rahayu
Soegiyanto KS


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui konteks, input process dan hasil pembinaan olahraga sepakbola klub Persigo di Provinsi Gorontalo. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan evaluasi program model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, dan Product). Subyek penelitian meliputi pengurus, pelatih, atlet, orang tua atlet, masyarakat sekitar tempat latihan lapangan sepakbola di stadion Merdeka Kota Gorontalo. Teknik pengambilan data melalui 3 cara: (1) observasi, (2) wawancara, (3) dokumen. Sumber data adalah klub Persigo Gorontalo. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan:  Konteks dan input program pembinaan klub olahraga sepakbola Persigo di Provinsi Gorontalo sudah baik,  Proses Program latihan, koordinasi, dapat berjalan dengan baik antara atlet, pelatih, dan asisten pelatih dapat melakukan tugas masing-masing, 4) Hasil kompetisi sudah ada peningkatan dengan raihan klub Persigo Gorontalo masuk ke peringkat 4 Devisi Utama Liga Indonesia grup 2 wilayah timur. Sarana dan prasarana masih kurang memadai, karena kendala adalah dana yang masih kurang. Simpulan: 1) Pembinaan olahraga sepakbola klub Persigo Gorontalo sudah baik karena kerjasama pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet dalam memajukan klub Persigo Gorontalo, 2) Dalam menjalankan perekrutan atlet, pelatih dan pengurus di klub Persigo sudah terlaksana dengan baik, 3) Pelaksanaan program latihan, koordinasi, seleksi penerimaan atlet, pelatih dan asisten pelatih berjalan dengan baik antara pelatih dan atlet dapat melakukan tugas masing-masing, 4) Hasil pembinaan olahraga sepakbola di klub Persigo Gorontal, sudah ada peningkatan dengan raihan peringkat 4 Devisi Utama Liga Indonesia grup 2 wilayah timur.

The research problems are how is the context, input, process and product coaching Persigo football club in Gorontalo province. This research evaluation program uses CIPP (context, input, process and product) model. Research subjects are members of management, coaches, athletes, athlete’s parents, and society around the training location Merdeka stadium in Gorontalo city. Data collection uses 3 methods: interviews,  observations, and documentation. The source for research is Persigo football club of Gorontalo. Technique for analysis is descriptive analysis. Result of research are: 1) Persigo football club Context starting from problem backgorund to coaching program planning has made a significant progress, 2) Input, has run well, although not as expected by club management, 3) Process, Training program, coordination, has run well.  Athletes, coach, and coach assistants has done their respective duties, 4) Competition result has been improved by qualiflying at 4th place of Indonesian League Prime Division group 2 Eastern conference. Facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate because of fund. Summary is as follows: 1) Football coaching of Persigo club has been improved, from the cooperation of management, coaches, and athletes to support the Persigo club Gorontalo, 2) Recruitment for athletes, coach and management has been running well, 3) Training program execution, coordination, admission selection for athletes, coaches and assistant coaches is done well because coach and athlete do their own duties, 4) Coaching result for Persigo Gorontalo football club has been improved by qualiflying at 4th place of Indonesian League Prime Division group 2 Eastern conference.



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