Instrumen Asesmen Sikap Siswa Berbasis Konservasi pada Pembelajaran Matematika SMP


Arif Hidayad
Masrukan Masrukan
Kartono Kartono


Tujuan penelitian menghasilkan buku panduan guru tentang instrumen asesmen sikap siswa pada pembelajaran matematika SMP berbentuk skala sikap (penilaian diri) dan lembar pengamatan guru (orang lain). Data diperoleh di SMPN 1 Bolo Kabupaten Bima NTB dengan subjek penelitian 100 siswa dan 4 guru matematika. Instrumen pengumpul data berupa lembar observasi, kamera/alat perekam, pedoman wawancara, angket dan skala sikap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran dengan desain pengembangan instrumen afektif mengacu Mardapi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik, validitas, daya beda butir, reliabilitas dan analisis faktor ekploratori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari validasi ahli, 50 butir instrumen awal layak diujicobakan ke skala kecil dengan 27 butir berkategori cukup memadai dan 23 butir berkategori memadai. Hasil uji coba skala kecil, terdapat 32 butir yang berkategori valid dan instrumen reliabel dengan α = 0,85. Setelah instrumen diperbaiki, instrumen digunakan untuk uji coba skala luas dengan subjek 100 siswa dan hasilnya instrumen reliabel dengan rxx=0,73 serta instrumen mampu mengungkap variabel sikap siswa yang diukur sebesar 67,53% dengan jumlah komponen yang terbentuk sebanyak tiga faktor yaitu Jujur, Interaksi  lingkungan dan Serius.

The purpose of this research is to produce assessment instrument the attitude of the students in the mathematics teaching JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in the form of attitude scale (self-assessment) and teacher observation sheet (others). The Data obtained at SMPN 1 Bolo Bima Regency NTB with research subject 100 students and 4 mathematics teacher. The instrument data collector in the form of observation sheet, camera/recorders, guidelines, interview questionnaires and attitude scale. The research method used is mixed method with the design of the development of affective instrument by Mardapi. Analysis of the data using the analysis triangulation source and techniques, the validity of the different power point, reliability and factor analysis ekploratori. The results of the study showed from examine the expert team, 50 items early instrument worthy trialled to small scale with 27 items  category is adequate and 23 items very adequate category. The results of the small scale test there are 32 items  valid category and reliability  instrument with α = 0.85. After the instrument repair, instruments used to test large-scale with the subject of 100 students and as a result the instrument reliability with rxx=0.73 obligation and able to reveal the variables measured students attitude of 67,53% with a number of components that are formed as many as three factors namely honest, environmental interaction and serious.
