
Sri Harjono



Telah dapat dikembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model  concept attainment berbasis PMRI berbantuan CD Pembelajaran materi segitiga kelas VII yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang terdiri dari Silabus, RPP, Lembar Kerja Siswa, CD Pembelajaran, dan Tes Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan pendidikan dari Plomp. Kepraktisan dan keefektifan diperoleh dari uji coba di kelas VII C SMPN 2 Candimulyo. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji t untuk ketuntasan, uji beda rerata dilakukan dengan t test 2 sampel, dan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik dengan uji gain. Hasil analisis data penilaian dari validator diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran kategori baik dengan sedikit revisi. Hasil analisis data pada uji coba menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan yaitu  respons siswa positif, dan hasil pengamatan pengelolaan pembelajaran tergolong baik, serta memenuhi kriteria keefektifan yaitu (1) terdapat 78,13% siswa yang mendapat nilai mencapai ≥ 70; (2) rerata nilai kemampuan komunikasi matematik kelas eksperimen 75,31 dan kelas kontrol 69,25; dan (3) ada peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik dengan gain = 0,61. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model concept attainment untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematik valid, praktis, dan efektif.


This research aims to generate mathematical models of  concept attainment learning devices based PMRI CD-assisted learning materials of  triangle for class VII which are valid, practical, and effective. This research developed learning devices for mathematics which contain syllabus, lesson plans, student work-sheet, CD learning, and communication of  mathematical ability test. Development is done by referring to the educational development model of  Plomp. Prior to use tools of  research must be validated by expert validators. The practicality and effectiveness of  learning devices are obtained from trials in class VII C SMPN2 Candimulyo. The observation of  the learning process has been done thrue the tests at the beginning and the end of  the learning, and students are given questionnaire to respons. Data analysis was performed with t test for completeness, the average of  different test performed with two sample t test, and improvement of  communication skills of  math, by gains test. The analysis of  data obtained by the assessment of  learning validator category needs little revision. From the analysis of  data obtained in trials that meet the criteria for practicality of  learning tools that students response positively, and the results of  observations classified as learning management as positive as shown in effectiveness criteria: (1) there are 78.13% of students whose score reached ≥ 70 (2) the average value of math communication skills class experiment = 75.31 is better than the controlled class = 69.25; and (3) there is an increase of  mathematical communication skills before and after learning, gain = 0.61. Based on this we can conclude that the development of  the Concept Attainment Model to enhance math communication skills are valid, practical, and effective.
