Inovasi Mesin2024-03-04T14:59:06+07:00Dr. Eng. Aldias Bahatmaka, S.T., M.T., M.Eng.[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Jurnal Inovasi Mesin (JIM) starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href=""></a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Inovasi Mesin (JIM) </strong>is an open-access, peer-review journal published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) in April and October each year. Manuscripts approved for publication have been reviewed by reviewers and are free to download via our website. JIM publishes original and reviews articles that advance the understanding of both the fundamentals of engineering science and its application to the solution of challenges and problems in mechanical engineering systems, machines, components, and it's innovations.<br><strong>e-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-7694</a></strong> (online)</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">We invite lecturers, researchers, reviewers, practitioners, industry, and observers as well as all graduates and post-graduate students, to send papers or scientific articles. The incoming papers will be peer-reviewed. After the review process is complete, the results of the review will be informed to the authors of the paper through the Open Journal System (OJS) and also through the author's email.</p> Alat Filter Udara Pada Cerobong Asap Boiler Bahan Bakar Batubara2024-03-04T11:44:17+07:00Zakky Maftukhil Wafa[email protected]Moh Rizal Ar Rasyid[email protected]Mochammad Anassyah Rusedo[email protected]<p><u>Abstrak</u></p> <p><u>D</u>alam era industry 4.0 seperti sekarang ini dapat menambah terjadinya Pemanasan Global (Global Warming) yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh asap yang dibuang dari kegiatan produksi pada pabrik, dan salah satunya adalah penggunaan mesin Boiler, Dalam proses menjalankan mesin Boiler masih memilki kendala yaitu tentang asap yang ditimbulkan dari proses pembakaran bahan bakar batu bara yang digunakan untuk menjalankan boiler tersebut untuk menghasilkan uap guna proses produksi pada pabrik yang mengandung Sulfur Oxide (SOx), Karbon Monoksida (CO), Nirogen Oxide (NOx) dan Merkuri (Hg). Kandungan pada asap tersebut sangat berbahaya untuk kesehatan masyarakat dan kondisi alam. Maka permasalahan yang seperti itu penulis memberikan solusi dengan merancang alat Filter Udara Pada Cerobong Asap Boiler Bahan Bakar Batu Bara untuk mengurangi kandungan berbahaya yang terkandung pada saat proses pembakaran batu bara pada Boiler belangsung dan simulasi monitoring kadar CO dan SO dengan menggunakan sensor gas pada software proteus.</p> <p>In the industrial era 4.0 as it is today, it can add to the occurrence of Global Warming, one of which is caused by smoke discharged from production activities at factories, and one of them is the use boiler machines. Generated from the procces of burning coal fuel used to run the boiler to produce steam for the production process in factories containing Sulfur Oxide (SOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nirogen Oxide (NOx) and Mercury (HG). The content The content of the smoke is very dangerous for public health and natural conditions. So for problems like that the author provides a solution by designing an Air Filter tool in the Chimney of a Coal Fuel Boiler to reduce the harmful content contained during the coal burning process in the Boiler takes place and simulates monitoring CO and SO levels using a gas sensor in the proteus software .</p>2023-10-05T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Produktivitas Mesin Dan Merancang Improvement Mesin Produksi Di Line Forming Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal2024-03-04T12:01:27+07:00Aan Subhan[email protected]Ainul Khakim[email protected]Gayuh Pangestu[email protected]<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">__________________________________________________________________________________________</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tahapan alur produksi di Divisi Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal. Mengetahui tahapan proses forming dalam divisi Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal. Mengetahui permasalahan yang timbul di line forming Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal. Mengetahui penyebab akar permasalahan yang timbul di line forming Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal. Mengetahui rancangan rencana perbaikan untuk permasalahan di line forming Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal. Divisi Fastener merupakan salah satu bisnis produksi di PT Dharma Polimetal yang berfokus untuk memproduksi produk-produk pengencang. Untuk produk yang dihasilkan di Divisi Fastener ini antara lain Bolt Flange 6 mm, Bolt Torx m8 x 25 mm, Screw Tapp 5 x 12, Bolt Flange m10 x 190, dan lain-lain. Dengan dibuatnya penelitian ini peneliti dapat mengetahui produktivitas mesin di line forming di Divisi Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal, menganalisa faktor-faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi produktivitas line forming Divisi Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal, dan merumuskan rancangan perbaikan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas line forming Divisi Fastener PT Dharma Polimetal.</span></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">__________________________________________________________________________________________</span></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine the stages of the production flow in the Fastener Division of PT Dharma Polimetal. Knowing the stages of the forming process in the Fastener division of PT Dharma Polimetal. Knowing the problems that arise in the PT Dharma Polimetal Fastener line forming. Knowing the root cause of the problems that arise in the PT Dharma Polimetal Fastener line forming. Knowing the draft improvement plan for problems in the PT Dharma Polimetal Fastener line forming. The Fastener Division is one of the production businesses at PT Dharma Polimetal which focuses on producing fastener products. The products produced in the Fastener Division include Bolt Flange 6 mm, Bolt Torx m8 x 25 mm, Screw Tapping 5 x 12, Bolt Flange m10 x 190, and others. With this research, researchers were able to determine machine productivity in line forming in the Fastener Division of PT Dharma Polimetal, analyze the production factors that affect the productivity of line forming in the Fastener Division of PT Dharma Polimetal, and formulate improvement plans to increase the productivity of line forming in the Fastener Division of PT Dharma Polimetal.</span></em></p>2023-10-07T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Flow Simulation Air Conditioner Duct Pada Konstruksi Sleeper Bus Chassis Mercedes Benz OH 18362024-03-04T13:56:26+07:00Meidin Juarmito[email protected]Yuda Dwi Handiko[email protected]<p><strong>Abstrak </strong></p> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>Ducting merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat berpengaruh pada konstruksi</p> <p>bus yang memakai air conditioner. tujuan dari penilitian adalah untuk mengetahui</p> <p>bagaimana distribusi aliran udara dan temperature di dalam komponen air conditioner</p> <p>duct dengan menggunakan flow simulation. Pembuatan desain rancangan 3D ducting</p> <p>dilakukan menggunakan software Solidwork dengan variasi 24 louver AC . Hasil dari</p> <p>simulasi velocity louver yang memliki nilai rata-rata velocity paling besar yang</p> <p>pertama pada louver AC 6 sebesar 37.69 m/s dan yang kedua louver AC 5 sebesar</p> <p>36.96 m/s karena posisinya berada tepat dibawah saluran udara masuk. Hasil dari</p> <p>simulasi temperature louver yang memliki nilai rata-rata temperature paling rendah</p> <p>yang pertama pada louver AC 6 senilai 21.24 ℃ dan yang kedua louver AC 5 senilai</p> <p>21.28 ℃</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>Ducting is a component that is very influential in the construction of buses that use air</p> <p>conditioners. The purpose of this research is to find out how the distribution of air flow</p> <p>and temperature in the air conditioner duct components uses flow simulation. The 3D</p> <p>ducting design was made using Solidwork software with a variation of 24 AC louvers.</p> <p>The results of the velocity louver simulation which has the greatest average velocity</p> <p>value are the first at the AC 6 louver of 37.69 m/s and the second the AC 5 louver of</p> <p>36.96 m/s because its position is right below the inlet air. The results of the louver</p> <p>temperature simulation which have the lowest average temperature value are the first at</p> <p>louver AC 6 worth 21.24 ℃ and the second louver AC 5 worth 21.28 ℃.</p>2023-10-08T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Stress Pada Bagian Rewinding Mesin Rotogravure2024-03-04T14:00:05+07:00Samuel Julianto Purba[email protected]Bekti Enggar Rahmawan[email protected]<p>Sebuah penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis tegangan atau stress pada bagian rewinding mesin rotogravure. Penelitian menggunakan metode simulasi pada software Autodesk Inventor 2024. Studi literatur juga dilakukan dalam rangka pendekatan teoritis terkait definisi dan identifikasi objek yang akan diteliti. Objek yang menjadi penelitian ialah part konis unwind rewind pada mesin rotogravure. Dilakukan modelling 3D dan 2D untuk kemudian dilakukan analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapati part konis unwind rewind masih belum aman. Pada penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan modelling dengan memberikan penebalan part atau analisis dengan beban yang lebih ringan.</p> <p>A study was conducted to analyze the stress on the rewinding part of a rotogravure machine. The study used a simulation method in the Autodesk Inventor 2024 software Literature studies are also carried out within the framework of a theoretical approach related to the definition and identification of the object to be studied. The object of the study was the unwind rewind conical part on a rotogravure machine. 3D and 2D odeling was carried out for later analysis. The results of this study show that the unwind rewind conical part is still not safe. In future research, modeling can be carried out by providing part thickening or analysis with a lighter load.</p>2023-10-12T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Bangun Cooler Fan Generator Sebagai Inovasi PLTA Mini Hidro Dengan Menggunakan Autodesk Autocad2024-03-04T14:59:06+07:00Satri Bagaskoro[email protected]Fariza Putra Tri Martata[email protected]Labib Muzakki[email protected]Arrod Suryono[email protected]<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><u>__________________________________________________________________________________________</u></p> <p>Tujuan dari perancangan alat ini adalah sebagai pendingin <em>(Cooling)</em> tambahan pada generator dikarenakan suhu ruangan yang mengakibatkan generator di PLTA Mini Hidro mendapatkan peningkatan suhu yang sangat signifikan, perancangan model dudukan didesain dengan bantuan (<em>software) Autodesk Autocad. </em>Inovasi tambahan <em>Fan</em> dapat membuat unit tetap andal ketika beroperasi dan mampu menurunkan suhu pada generator</p> <p><em>The purpose of designing this tool is to provide additional cooling to the generator due to room temperature which causes the generator in the Mini Hidro Hydro Power Plant to get a very significant increase in temperature, the design of the stand model is designed with the help of Autodesk Autocad software. Fan additional innovations can keep the unit reliable when operating and can reduce the temperature of the generator</em></p>2023-10-15T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##