Penggunaan media pembelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan menjadikan suasana belajar mengajar tidak membosankan, sehingga siswa mudah memahami, mengerti, serta daya ingat siswa terhadap materi tersebut bertahan lama. Komik kontekstual adalah komik yang ceritanya menggambarkan kehidupan sehari-hari yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan, menguji kevalidan dan keefektifan, menganalisis keterterapan dan keterbacaan media pembelajaran berbentuk komik kontekstual. Desain penelitian adalah desain penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Komik divalidasi oleh pakar materi dan pakar komik. Keefektifan produk diuji dengan post test only control design, t-test digunakan menganalisis pengaruh komik terhadap hasil belajar, dibantu dengan SPSS 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komik kontekstual inkuiri valid dan efektif. Penggunaan komik berpengaruh signifikan pada skor belajar (sig = 0,000<5%). Penerapan komik meningkatkan motivasi belajar, mendapat respon positif dari siswa dan guru.
The use of an attractive and interesting instructional media make the teaching learning situation unboring so that students would easily understand, comprehend and their memory to the materials would last long. The contextual comics is the one that described daily lives find in the social environment. The purpose of this research was to develop,to test the validity and effectiveness, analyze the application and legibility of instructional media in the form of contextual comics. The design of the study was research and development (R&D). Comic was validated by material and comics experts. The effectiveness of product was tested using posttest only control design. T-test was used to analyze the influences of contextual comics to the learning outcomes and assisted by SPSS 19. The result of the showed that contextual comics was valid and effective. The use of comics gave significant effect on learning scores (sig = 0,000 < 5%). The application of comics increased the learning motivation and got positive responses from students and teacher.