
Sebagian besar anak usia sekolah gemar bermain game khususnya game yang berbasis komputer. Banyak diantara mereka lebih tertantang dengan kesulitan dalam bermain game daripada menghadapi kesulitan memahami pelajaran. Fenomena ini menjadi landasan peneliti untuk mengembangkan sebuah game yang memiliki esensi materi pelajaran yaitu Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL) sebuah game digitalberbasis komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media DGBL yang layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif dan nilai-nilai karakter peserta didik serta untuk mengetahui respon peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kimia melalui materi teori atom dan mekanika kuantum.Pengembangan game ini mengadaptasi dari prosedur pada Game Development Process pada Mobile 3D presentation at TLT. 2009. Purdue University. Pengumpulan data evaluasi model menggunakan pretest and posttest control group design dengan teknik random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data post test diperoleh rata-rata hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas eksperimen sebesar 80,24 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 72,68. Ketuntasan klasikal siswa kelas eksperimen mencapai 96%, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol hanya sebesar 72%.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data angket, sebesar 86% siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap implementasi media DGBL.Media pembelajaran DGBLberkarakter pada materi kimia juga membuat peserta didik memiliki penilaian nilai karakter bangsa yang tinggi khususnya rasa ingin tahu, jujur, kreatif danmandiri

The majority of school-age children love to play games. Many learners are more challenged by the difficulty in playing the game rather than face the difficulty in understanding the lesson. This phenomenon is the basic reason of the researchers to develop a game that has the essence of the subject matter, namely Digital Games Based Learning (DGBL). This research aims to develop a suitable DGBL media used to improve the cognitive learning and character values ​​of learners. It also has purpose to evaluate the response of learners in learning chemistry through the atomic theory and quantum mechanics material. The development of this game is adapted from the procedure of Game Development Process in Mobile 3D presentation. The collection of evaluation data model applied was pre-test and post-test control group design with random sampling techniques. The results showed that the classical target for experimental group reached 96%, whereas in the control class was 72%. Based on the results of the questionnaire data analysis, 86% of students responded positively to the implementation of DGBL. A DGBL media for the chemical material also makes an assessment of character value of the nation's high character for learners particularly in curiousity, honesty, creativity and independency.