
Studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa siswa kurang tertarik mengikuti pembelajaran dan cenderung bosan jika hanya menerima teori tanpa disertai serangkaian kegiatan yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam bentuk proyek yang dapat mengembangkan KPS siswa. Keterbatasan sumber belajar merupakan salah satu masalah dalam proses pembelajaran. Permasalahan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Seberapa valid modul materi koloid berbasis pembelajaran proyek bermuatan karakter ?; (2) Seberapa efektif modul yang dikembangkan?; (3) Apakah penerapan modul yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa?; (4) Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap modul yang dikembangkan?.Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan: 1) setelah melalui proses validasi dan revisi diperoleh modul materi koloid berbasis proyek bermuatan karakter yang memenuhi kriteria valid; (2) implementasi modul memenuhi kriteria efektif, yang ditandai dengan: (a) tercapainya KKM siswa  75 dan klasikal 75%; (b) hasil pengamatan sikap danpsikomotor  diperoleh  rata-rata siswa  mempunyai sikap dengan predikat baik; (3) Hasil analisis N-Gain rata-rata untuk KPS menunjukkan 0,71 dengan kategori tinggi; (4) Implementasi modul mendapat respon positif dari siswa.

Preliminary studies have shown that students are less interested in following the learning and tend to get bored if only accept a theory without a series of activities that can be applied in the form of projects that can develop KPS students. Limitations of learning resources is one of the problems in the learning process. The problems were taken in this study: (1) How valid module-based project learning materials charged colloidal character?; (2) How effective modules developed ?; (3) Does the application modules developed can enhance students' science process skills ?; (4) How is the response of students to the modules developed ?. The results showed: 1) after going through the validation process and obtained the revision of project-based module charged colloidal material that meets the criteria of valid characters; (2) The effective implementation of the module meets the criteria, which is characterized by: (a) the achievement of classical KKM students 75 and 75%; (b) the attitude and psychomotor observations obtained by the average student has with a good attitude; (3) The results of the analysis of N-Gain average to 0.71 with KPS showed high category; (4) Implementation of the modules received positive response from the students.