
Global warming as one of the physics materials, is a topic that tends to be
abstract so it causes difficulties for students. In addition, limited time for
learning activities in class is an obstacle to achieving optimal understanding.
Lack of learning time in class can limit students' exploration space. The use of
e-modules based on Problem-Based Learning is an innovative solution to
visualize the phenomenon of global warming through images, videos,
animations, and simulations. Limited learning time in class can be overcome
through the flexibility of using e-modules. The purpose of this study is to
describe the perception of high school students towards the use of ProblemBased Learning physics-based e-modules on global warming material. Emodules are designed to stimulate student learning by utilizing a problembased learning model, where real-life problems are integrated into learning.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this
study were students of St. Gabriel Maumere Catholic High School. The
research instruments used are perception questionnaire sheets, documentation,
and interviews. The results showed that the percentage of student perception
on the e-module display indicator was 85.25%, the presentation of material in
the e-module was 82.68% and the overall benefits of the e-module were very
good. Based on the results of data analysis through questionnaires and
interviews, students gave a very good perception of the e-module on global
warming material.