
Pembelajaran SBK di kelas V SD Negeri Growong Lor 01 pada kegiatan praktik membuat kerajinan tangan masih kurang bervariatif dan kreativitas siswa masih tergolong rendah, sehingga hasil belajar siswa belum sesuai dengan KKM. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui desain boneka jari, kelayakan dan hasil belajar siswa dari praktik membuat boneka jari dalam pembelajaran SBK di SD Negeri Growong Lor 01 Juwana Pati. Jenis dan desain penelitian Research and Development menurut pengembangan Sugiyono. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V SDN Growong Lor 01 yang berjumlah 40 siswa, dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh dengan jumlah 40 siswa. Teknik pengambilan data dengan menggunakan angket, dokumentasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, menunjukkan hasil pengembangan desain boneka jari berdasarkan validasi pakar produk 80,9% dan materi 85,41% telah memenuhi kriteria layak, tanggapan guru dan siswa telah memenuhi kriteria baik, dan terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata pretest dan posttest dalam pembelajaran SBK sebesar 0,44 dan hasil penilaian boneka jari mencapai rata-rata 83,125. Simpulan penelitian bahwa pengembangan desain boneka jari menjadikan guru lebih terampil dan kreatif dalam mengajak siswa belajar membuat karya kerajinan tangan dan siswa lebih terampil dan aktif dalam praktik membuat kerajinan tangan.. Saran bagi guru agar tercipta pembelajaran efektif, berkualitas, menyenangkan; siswa dapat lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran dan menciptakan produk yang inovatif sehingga dapat mendukung dalam meningkatkan kualitas sekolah.

The Arts, Culture, and Craftsmanship learning in grade V SD Negeri Growong Lor 01 in case of the practicum activities of creating the handicrafts is still too low, so the learning outcome of the student still did not fulfill the minimum mastery standard. The purpose of the research is to find out the finger puppets design, appropriateness and effectiveness of the finger puppets as teaching tools in SD Negeri Growong Lor 01 Juwana Pati. This is Research and Development referring to the design developed by Sugiyono. The population in the research was the students of grade V SDN Growong Lor 01 about 40 children, the survey sampling applied was census survey about 40 children. The applied data collection techniques were questionnaire fulfilling, interviews, documentation, and testing. The research shows that the products of finger puppets design advancement based on medium expert validation i.e. 80.9% and material one i.e. 85.41% fulfills the criteria of appropriateness, the responses of the teacher and the students fulfilled the criteria of good, and average grade points of pretest and posttest in arts, culture, and craftsmanship learning at 0,44 and the result of finger puppets products assessment at average point of 83,125. From the research, a conclusion is that the developed finger puppets are making teachers more skilled and creative in teaching students practice in making craft and making students more active and skilled in learning activities of arts, culture and craftsmanship. The suggestion for the teachers in order to create the effective, high-qualified, enjoyable, and meaningful learning to the students, the teachers need to improve their skills in case of developing and using the innovative product tools to promote the school quality improvement.