

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan desain produk buku ajar; (2) menguji kelayakan produk buku ajar; (3) menguji keefektifan produk buku ajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development yang dikembangkan Sugiyono, yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peneliti. Hasil penelitian, buku ajar mendapatkan penilaian dari ahli materi sebesar 90% (sangat layak), ahli media 94,53% (sangat layak), ahli bahasa 88,88% (sangat layak) serta penilaian sangat layak berdasarkan angket tanggapan siswa dalam uji skala kecil dengan persentase 87,5%. Hasil uji keefektifan dengan uji t diperoleh thitung>ttabel yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil pretest dan posttest. Hasil uji peningkatan rata-rata pretest dan posttest yang dihitung menggunakan Ngain adalah 0,557143 (skala kecil) dan 0,6 (skala besar) termasuk kategori sedang. Hasil angket tanggapan guru dan siswa memperoleh persentase 95% dan 92,4%,, termasuk kategori sangat efektif. Keefektifan penggunaan buku ajar dalam pembelajaran juga didukung dari hasil unjuk karya siswa yang telah memenuhi KKM dengan rata-rata klasikal 77,56 dan 79,64. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah buku ajar materi kolase layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran SBdP materi kolase pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kedungpane 01 Kota Semarang.

Kata kunci: buku ajar, kolase, SBdP



This study attempted to: (1) develop the product design of textbooks; (2) test the feasibility of textbook products; (3) test the effectiveness of textbook products. This study used Research and Development method developed by Sugiyono, which wasadjusted to the needs of the researchers. Based on the results of the study, the textbook received an assessment from material experts by 90% (very feasible), media experts 94.53% (very feasible), language experts 88.88% (very feasible), and very feasible assessments based on student responses in the small scale test with a percentage of 87.5%. The effectiveness test results with t test obtained tcount> ttable, which means that there was a significant difference between the results of the pretest and posttest. The test results of the averageincrease in pretest and posttest calculated using Ngainwere0.557143 (small scale) and 0.6 (large scale) including the medium category. The results of teacher and student response questionnaires obtained 95% and 92.4% percentages, including the very effective category. The effectiveness of the textbook usage in learning is also supported by the results of the performance of students who have met the minimum criteria of learning mastery (KKM) with classical averages of 77.56 and 79.64. The conclusion of this study was that the collage material textbook is feasible and effective to be used in SBdP learning for collage material in grade four students of State Elementary School (SDN) Kedungpane, Semarang City.

keywords: textbooks, collages, cultural arts and crafts.