
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran sistem poin dalam meningkatkan karakter disiplin dan kemandirian siswa di era Generasi Z. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas dan siswa kelas IV SDN Tambakaji 2. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi partisipan, wawancara tidak terstruktur, angket, serta dokumentasi. Hasilnya melalui sistem poin siswa lebih disiplin untuk mematuhi tata tertib di kelas. Kemandirian siswa juga mulai tampak melalui penerapan sistem poin, yakni pada aspek berani mengemukakan pendapat, menyelesaikan tugas atau soal tanpa bantuan teman, mengerjakan soal diskusi dengan sungguh-sungguh, berani bertanya ketika menemukan kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal tes, tidak mudah mengeluh, dan bertanggung jawab.  Simpulan yang diperoleh yaitu: 1) Sistem poin merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian dari sistem reward and punishment yang terintegrasi dengan tata tertib kelas. (2) Pemberian poin pelanggaran secara perlahan dapat meningkatkan karakter disiplin siswa. (3) Dalam membentuk kemandirian siswa, sistem poin yang paling berperan adalah poin penghargaan. (4) Faktor penunjang sistem poin dalam meningkatkan karakter disiplin dan kemandirian di era Gen Z adalah adanya kebijakan yang dibuat oleh guru dan siswa tentang batasan poin pelanggaran.

This research aimed to describe the role of points system in improving discipline character and the self reliance of students in the Era of Z Generation. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative approach. Subjects of this research was the teacher and students in four grade of Tambakaji 2 Elementary School. Data collection technique used, participant observation, questionnaire, field note, and documentation. The results showed that points system the students were more discipline to be obedient to the class rules. The Students showed their self reliance through point system. They had venture to explain their argument, did assignment without their friend’s help, did their discussion topic with seriously was brave to ask something when they didn’t understand about questions of the test,and had the responsibility. The conclusion of the research were (1) points system was a type of apply the reward and punishment system, (2) the violation point could increase the discipline character of students with slowly, (3) to form the student’s self reliance, the reward point was more influence, (4) the supported factors of points system to improve discipline character and self reliance of students in the era of Z generation was the code of conduct which made by the teacher and students about the boundary of violation point.