

Berdasarkan hasil observasi pra-penelitian di kelas IV SDN Gugus Lodan Semarang, menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan menyimak siswa masih belum optimal. Hal ini berdampak pada kemampuan siswa yang belum berkembang secara signifikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian quasi experimental. Prosedur penelitian menggunakan non-equivalent control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Lodan Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah cluster random sampling dengan kelas IVA SDN Purwosari 02 Semarang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas IVB SDN Purwosari 02 Semarang sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes, non tes; observasi; wawancara; dan dokumentasi. Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan independent sample t-test yang menunjukan bahwa nilai 6,937) >  (2,004), sehingga Ha diterima. Rata-rata gain kelas kontrol lebih kecil dibandingkan kelas eksperimen (0,10<0,60). Berdasarkan analisis data indeks gain, peningkatan kelas eksperimen termasuk kategori sedang. Observasi aktivitas siswa menunjukan rata-rata kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi yaitu 71% dibandingkan kelas kontrol yaitu 55%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran TSTS berbantuan media audiovisual efektif digunakan dalam keterampilan menyimak cerita siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Lodan Semarang.

Based on the result of pre-research observation at the Lodan Semarang Cluster State Elementary School in fourth-grade. It was determined that the performance of students' story listening skills was not yet optimal. This make some impact to student ability that not developed significantly. This experiment used quantitative method. The type of research used in this paper is quasi-experimental design. The population of this research were all class IV students of Lodan Semarang Cluster State Elementary School. The technique collection techniques used is cluster random sampling with IVA class students of SDN Purwosari 02 Semarang as the experimental class and IVB class students of SDN Purwosari 02 Semarang as the control class. The data collection techniques used is test, non-test, observation; interview; and documentation. The result of hypothesis used independent sample t-test offers that the score of  (6,937) >  (2,004), so Ha accepted. The average gain of the control class is smaller than the experimental class (0.10 <0.60). Based on the analysis of the gain index data, the increase in the experimental class in the moderate criteria. Observations of student activity within the observation sheet showed that the mean activity of the experimental class was higher (i.e. 71%) compared to the control class (i.e. 55%). The conclusion of this study is that the TSTS learning model assisted by audiovisual media is effective in Indonesian language learning and can increase student activity in the Indonesian language learning process.