
Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan keterampilan guru, aktivitas siswa, dan hasil
belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS kelas V SDN Gunungpati 02 Semarang.
Menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Meliputi Perencanaan,Pelaksanaan,Observasi
dan Refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan nontes. Analisis data
menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Keterampilan guru siklus I skor 18 kategori cukup, siklus II
skor 25 kategori baik ,siklus III skor 33 kategori sangat baik. (2) Aktivitas siswa siklus I
skor 21,78 kategori cukup, siklus II skor 28,95 kategori baik ,siklus III skor 30.11 kategori
sangat baik. (3) Ketuntasan klasikal siklus I 64,11% ,siklus II 71,79%, siklus III 92,3%.
(4) afektif siklus I skor 9,63 kategori cukup, siklus 2 skor 11,80 kategori baik,siklus 3 skor
13,38 kategori sangat baik.(5) psikomotor siklus I skor 6.49 kategori baik,siklus II skor
7,05 kategori baik ,siklus III skor 7,67 kategori baik. Simpulan penelitian adalah melalui
model Think Pair and Share berbantuan video dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran
IPS meliputi keterampilan guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar siswa.

The research aimed to increase social learning quality of fifth grade students through think pair and share using video. The
research was designed using classroom action research in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observation, and
reflection. The techniques used test and nontest. Data analysis using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The result
showed: (1) Teacher skills in the first cycle scored 18 with enough category, cycle II scored 25 with good category. Cycle III scored
33 with very well category. (2) Students activities scored 21.78 in the first cycle with enough category, it scored 28.95 in second
cycle with good category, it scored 30.11 in the third cycle with very well category. (3) In the first cycle classical completeness was
64.11%, 71.79% in second cycle. The third cycle was 92.3%. (4) The affective score was 9.63 in the first cycle with enough
category. The second cycle scored 11.80 in good category. It scored 13.38 in the third cycles with very well category. (5) The
psychomotor score was 6.49 in the first cycle with good category. It scored 7.05 in second cycle with very well category. In the
third cycle scored 7.67 with good category. Conclusions of the research was think pair and share using video improved the quality
of teaching social learning including teacher skills, student activities, and students learning outcomes.