The Implementation of Disaster Management and Legal Protection for Disaster Relief Volunteers (Case of Central Java Province, Indonesia)

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Hilda Maulida


Regulation of the Head (Perka) of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Number 17 of 2011 concerning the Disaster Management Voluntary Guidelines which in addition to being a volunteer guideline also regulates voluntary obligations and rights. Of the three volunteer rights contained in the Perka, there is one volunteer right that is not explained in detail, namely the volunteer's right to get legal protection in the implementation of disaster management tasks. This study uses a qualitative research approach, a type of juridical-sociological research, the focus of research on legal protection for disaster relief volunteers in carrying out disaster management tasks, research locations in the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Java Province, primary and secondary data sources, and uses interactive analysis models. The implementation of disaster management in Central Java Province BPBD and the form of legal protection for disaster relief volunteers in the implementation of disaster management tasks in Central Java Province BPBD. The implementation of disaster management tasks in the Central Java Province BPBD is guided by three stages, namely the pre-disaster stage, the emergency response stage, and the post-disaster stage. While the form of legal protection for disaster relief volunteers in the implementation of disaster management tasks in BPBD Central Java Province in the form of physical, psychological, and mental health insurance during carrying out disaster management activities.

Keywords: Legal Protection; Volunteer; Disaster management.

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How to Cite
Maulida, H. (2020). The Implementation of Disaster Management and Legal Protection for Disaster Relief Volunteers (Case of Central Java Province, Indonesia). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(3), 415-424.
Research Article


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