Legal Protection of Copyright in the Globalization Era: A Comparison of Indonesia and China

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Bimo Satria Fajrin Nugroho
Muhamad Adji Rahardian Utama


The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the copyrights protection between Indonesia and China in the globalization Era. The copyright in reference to the Republic Indonesia Law Number 19 of the Year 2002 on the copyright system is as an exclusive of right which is for a so called creator or a receiver of copyright itself to be able to display or to reproduced a creation or by giving the permission to it by not reducing its own restrictions under applicable copyright law. Hierarchically the copyright system itself belongs to the proprietary system of property that is immaterial because it also includes the ideas of thoughts, ideas, as well as from the imaginative form of a person who has poured it into a form of copyrighted work/copyright, as is the case with the copyright in the form of scientific books, literary works, or in the form of artwork. Many of the countries of the world both individuals and legal entities apply this copyright. the copyright system of each country must vary where this difference is the advantage of the country's copyright system itself compared to other countries copyright systems.

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How to Cite
Nugroho, B. S. F., & Utama, M. A. R. (2020). Legal Protection of Copyright in the Globalization Era: A Comparison of Indonesia and China. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(4), 671-680.
Review Article


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