Ethical Policy in Higher Education School of Law: Case of Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Batari Laskarwati
Rodiyah Rodiyah


This study is intended to analyze and describe the urgency of campus life ethics policy at the Faculty of Law and how ethical policy constraints campus life at the Faculty of Law. The study also aims to find obstacles in implementing the Campus Life Ethics Policy at the Faculty of Law. The concepts and theories in this study are the basic concepts of ethics and policy theory, policy implementation, legislative hierarchy, ethics, and legal system theory according to Lawrence Friedman. This type of research is a sociological juridical study with a qualitative research approach. Sources of research data come from primary data (interviews) and secondary data (literature studies and documentation). The data collection technique of this study used observation, interviews, and study of documents. This study found and revealed that there are two factors (internal and external) affected to student behaviors. Internal factors include character of students themselves, student habits, apathetic cultural factors inherent in students, and external factors include incomplete facilities, lack of in-depth socialization, lack of supervision and strict enforcement as well as interference from outside UNNES. The study concluded that the Campus Life Ethics at the Faculty of Law UNNES is able to be realized with in-depth socialization of the Regulations Chancellor Number 44 of 2018 is accompanied by supervision and strict enforcement of sanctions.

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How to Cite
Laskarwati, B., & Rodiyah, R. (2020). Ethical Policy in Higher Education School of Law: Case of Universitas Negeri Semarang. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(4), 649-670.
Research Article


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