Role of Damang (Tribal Chief) on Domestic Violence Cases (Study at Palangka Raya City, Indonesia)

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Agustina Rahayu Husein


This study aims to introduce the community to the customs of the Dayak tribe as well as to describe the role of the traditional head damang in handling cases of domestic violence that occurred in the city of Palangka Raya. The people of Central Kalimantan carry out their lives based on rules, norms or orders in navigating life that are regulated by traditional institutions in the form of kedamangan which in this kedamangan customary institution consist of damang, sub-district customary mantir, and village customary mantir. Damang is a customary leader and head of the district level customary peace mantir density who is authorized to enforce Dayak customary law in a customary area. The problem of domestic violence is a serious case that must be handled by the damang because the damang is a person who has the position to resolve and decide on a customary case that occurs in the adat community.

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How to Cite
Husein, A. R. (2021). Role of Damang (Tribal Chief) on Domestic Violence Cases (Study at Palangka Raya City, Indonesia). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(3), 365-378.
Research Article


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