Legal Protection for Bankruptcy Curators in the Resolution of Bankruptcy Cases

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Maya Tryandari


Bankruptcy is a general confiscation of the assets of a bankrupt debtor who is no longer able to pay his debts and is deemed unfit to run his business, then the management and settlement of his assets are carried out by the bankruptcy curator under the supervision of the court supervisory judge. The research method used is using sociological juridical method by analyzing various legal regulations as well as examine behaviors and direct relationships based on an understanding of the law in terms of social phenomena. The focus of this research is limited to the responsibility of the Curator in resolving bankruptcy cases and the protection of the bankruptcy curator in resolving bankruptcy cases. In the field of curator, there is very little supervision. regarding the supervision carried out by the supervisory judge but the supervisory judge does not supervise the performance of the curator in the field but only supervises based on work reports and complaints by one of the parties concerned in bankruptcy cases. more supervision and consists of 3 elements related to bankruptcy, namely the courts, associations and curator education. Legal protection for bankruptcy curators is very much needed because protection is very much needed in a profession, especially the curator profession which leads to the extension of the court in resolving bankruptcy. 

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How to Cite
Tryandari, M. (2021). Legal Protection for Bankruptcy Curators in the Resolution of Bankruptcy Cases. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(3), 421-438.
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