Socio-Economic and Legal Analysis on Forest Protection

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Andika Bangun Sanjaya


The protection of forests today is not just a problem is regional (national) but it is a world problem (global). This is related to the function of forests in maintaining ecological balance which also affects the global climate, such as the effect of 'global warming' which can threaten the safety of living things. Nevertheless, reality shows that the economic function of the forest, ie as a source of the eye livelihood for a group of people, as a means of accumulation capital (capital) for entrepreneurs (capitalist), and as a source of foreign exchange for countries, often defeating forest functions in maintaining equilibrium ecological (including global climate). The continued pressure of population increased is one of the factors that contribute to accelerating forest destruction. This is due to the need for more land and more building materials, both for settlement and land for activities farming, and materials for new buildings. Utilization excessive forest economic functions by a human (forest exploitation) without caring about ecological balance can be catastrophic for humans themselves, and require far-reaching economic and social costs greater than the economic results that have been obtained.

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How to Cite
Sanjaya, A. B. (2021). Socio-Economic and Legal Analysis on Forest Protection. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(4), 493-504.
Research Article


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