Religious Conflicts and Arms Proliferation in the Security Law Reform
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The relationship between small arms and light weapons, religious crises, and insecurity has continued to be a burning issue in the national security discourse in Nigeria. Religious organizations under the guise of spreading their beliefs now engage in the laundering of donations by members on acquisitions of small and arms and light weapons to protect their jurisdictions and ward off other perceived oppositions. There is no doubt that the laundering operations and arms acquisitions by religious organizations in the country are slightly different in scope and activity, although no less complex and hard to detect unless put under the searchlight. However, the effects of this are manifested in the escalation of insecurity and religious crises as evidenced in incessant killings, maiming of innocent citizens, and wanton destruction of properties in the country. This paper observes that the uncontrollable proliferation of arms fuel and prolong religious crises, and has created economic, socio-political crises and a huge burden of humanitarian cost in all facets of the polity. The paper concludes that it has become imperative to address this phenomenon as the emerging scenario no doubt continues to threaten the achievement of sustainable development goals in the country.
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