Prevention of Money Laundering: Various Models, Problems and Challenges

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Diadra Preludio Ramada


It is well known that with money laundering activities, offender can hide the origin of money or property proceeds of crime, and thus they can enjoy and use the proceeds of the crime freely. Money laundering actors always try to avoid tracking their crime proceeds by various means, including taking advantage of the weaknesses of existing laws and regulations. Efforts to eradicate the crime of money laundering still have obstacles that cause pros and cons within the law enforcement environment itself. Are the Corruption Crimes investigators and the Prosecutor's Office able to uncover the Corruption Crime of Money Laundering that occurred and how is the investigation model for the Crime of Money Laundering able to confiscate the assets of the perpetrators in the corruption case? Until now, investigations into the crime of money laundering have not found a genuine model as a step forward in eradicating money laundering crimes. Prevention of money laundering must involve all existing components, namely the superstructure (government), infrastructure (institutions/institutions dealing with money laundering), and sub-structure (society and non-governmental institutions).

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How to Cite
Ramada, D. P. (2022). Prevention of Money Laundering: Various Models, Problems and Challenges. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 3(1), 67-84.
Research Article
Author Biography

Diadra Preludio Ramada, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Diandra Preludio Ramada SH MH is a Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang. He obatined bachelor and master degree of law from Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia. His area of expertise concerning Philosophy of Law, Legal Studies, Law and Society. Some of his recent publications such as Reality of Protection for Sexual Violence Victims: Comprehensive Protection Analysis for Sexual Violence Victims (Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law Studies, 2017). Beside as a Lecturer, he also working as Director of Center for Police Studies Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia.


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