Legal Aspect of Land Tenure Strategies by Foreign Nationals (Case of District of Jepara, Indonesia)

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Muhammad Roykhan Rashif Aulia
Edith Ratna Mulyaningrum S
Amarru Mufftie Holish


Great potential in investment, invites many parties to develop their business in Jepara Regency. The government regulates the control of Indonesian land for foreign nationals in the form of use rights. However, in reality, foreign nationals in Jepara do not use the Right to Use but use other forms of land tenure. This study aims to analyse Legal Review Of Land Tenure Strategies By Foreign Nationals In The District Of Jepara. In this study using qualitative methods, the method of collecting data through interviews and documentation which then the results of data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of the study found that the form of strategies and methods of land tenure by Foreign Citizens in the Regency by a) Marrying Indonesian citizen by acting on behalf of his wife as the right holder. b) Living together without marital status by way of an agreement on property by both parties c) Leasing a foreign citizen with a local resident d) Through a foreign legal entity established in Indonesia to control land in Jepara Regency.

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How to Cite
Aulia, M. R. R., Mulyaningrum S, E. R., & Holish, A. M. (2023). Legal Aspect of Land Tenure Strategies by Foreign Nationals (Case of District of Jepara, Indonesia). Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 4(1), 33-44.
Research Article


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