Urban Green Space Policy Reform in Indonesia: Breathing in the Middle of Development

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Atty Genald Malvas Valones
Ulil Albab Junaedi


Rapid population growth and limited land availability have resulted in a decline in environmental space utilization, including green open spaces, which are crucial for oxygen production and supporting biodiversity. Land conversion driven by increased land demand exacerbates this issue. This research focuses on two main problems: the adherence of the Salatiga City Local Government in Indonesia to the minimum area requirement for green open spaces mandated by Law No. 26 of 2007, and the forms and utilization of green open spaces within the city. This research reveals deficiencies and obstacles in implementing the policy, leading to a failure in meeting the minimum area target. Factors such as idealistic policy pursuit, delegation of authority issues, and excessive emphasis on perfection rather than practical relevance contribute to these challenges. The Salatiga City Regional Spatial Plan, outlined in Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2011, designates green open spaces as protected areas, encompassing city parks, cemeteries, urban forests, border rivers, and green belts. However, obstacles arise from small area sizes, incorrect initial land use practices, and inadequate resolution of land ownership issues. Despite these challenges, the City of Salatiga has partially maintained the functionality of these spaces, prioritizing their overarching purpose over specific land use. In conclusion, this research highlights the shortcomings in implementing Green Open Space policies in Salatiga. It emphasizes the importance of addressing land-related issues and ensuring proper management of green spaces. Resolving these challenges is crucial for enhancing environmental sustainability and benefiting both the community and the environment.

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How to Cite
Valones, A. G. M., & Junaedi, U. A. (2023). Urban Green Space Policy Reform in Indonesia: Breathing in the Middle of Development. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 4(2), 183-210. https://doi.org/10.15294/jllr.v4i2.66228
Research Article


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