Sounding the Justice for Child: Does Restorative Justice Matters?

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Dina Desvita Pramesti Putri


Restorative justice is gaining relevance in Indonesia as an alternative approach to resolving legal cases, focusing on restoring relationships among perpetrators, victims, and society. It aims to address the needs, rights, and welfare of children, allowing child offenders to take responsibility for their actions and repair the harm caused. The successful implementation of restorative justice in Indonesia includes facilitating dialogue between victims and perpetrators, aiding victims' emotional recovery, and engaging children in behavior improvement activities. However, challenges persist in raising awareness and garnering support from the community and justice system, necessitating proper training for an equitable and effective process. While restorative justice serves as a valuable means of providing justice for children, it may not be suitable for all cases, occasionally undermining justice for child victims. This paper analyzes how restorative justice can offer justice to children in Indonesia and delves into legal reform, particularly in juvenile delinquency, concerning the application of this approach. Nonetheless, it acknowledges that in specific instances, restorative justice might prove inappropriate, potentially compromising a sense of justice, especially for child victims.

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How to Cite
Putri, D. (2023). Sounding the Justice for Child: Does Restorative Justice Matters?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 4(3), 303-324.
Research Article


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