Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan model cooperative learning tipe STAD bermuatan pendidikan karakter pada materi pecahan desimal kelas V yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dilakukan dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan perangkat dengan fase-fase: (1) investigasi, (2) disain, (3) realisasi/kontruksi, (4) tes, evaluasi, dan revisi, dan (5) implementasi. Perangkat pembelajaran terdiri atas buku siswa, silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar kerja siswa, dan (6) tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) hasil penilaian validator menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran valid dengan kategori baik; (2) hasil ujicoba kelas terbatas memenuhi kriteria praktis; (3) implementasi model cooperative learning tipe STAD bermuatan bendidikan karakter memenuhi kriteria efektif, yaitu: (a) hasil pengelolaan pembelajaran amat baik, (b) respon siswa tergolong positif. (c) penilaian pendidikan karakter memenuhi kriteria baik; (d) aktifitas siswa dalam kategori tinggi; (e) hasil tes hasil belajar mencapai ketuntasan minimal, dan (f) motivasi belajar memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika model cooperative learning tipe STAD Bermuatan Pendidikan Karakter valid, praktis, dan efektif.
This study aimed to provide mathematics learning devices with cooperative learning type of STAD model contain of character education at decimal fraction materials for grade V which are valid, practical, and effective. The development of mathematics learning devices is done by referring to the model of educational development, consisting of some phases: (1) investigation, (2) design, (3) realization/construction, (4) testing, evaluation, and revision, and (5) implementation. The learning devices consist of student book, syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, and (6) learning output test. This study results as follows: (1) assessment from the experts validation the mathematics learning devices are valid, (2) the data analysis of the experiment for the practicality criteria is practical, (3) the results of qualified for the effectiveness criteria: (a) they are the learning management observe is very good, (b) the students response is positive, (c) the character education is good, (d) the student’s activity is high category, (e) learning result has achieved minimum criteria, and (f) motivation gives positive effect toward learning achievement. For this reason, it can be conclude that the development of learning devices with the cooperative learning type STAD model contain of character education are valid, practical, and effective.