
Pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar Negeri  Bawang 02 belum menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif. Tujuan penelitian  untuk menguji pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) dilengkapi dengan Word Square terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa, keterampilan proses, pencapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa, dan mengetahui respons siswa terhadap model pembelajaran tersebut. Penelitian eksperimen ini  menggunakan  desain Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, observasi, tes tertulis, dan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskripsi persentase, dan uji beda dengan analisis uji t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa, ketuntasan belajar dan keterampilan proses siswa. Tingkat Ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 95,65%, dan sebesar 99,76% siswa memberi respons positif terhadap pelaksanaan model pembelajaran kooperatif. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran  kooperatif tipe NHT yang dilengkapi  dengan Word Square efektif  untuk meningkatkan aktivitas, keterampilam proses, dan hasil belajar siswa.




Science teaching and learning at SD Negeri Bawang 02 has not applied cooperative learning yet. The objective of this study is to observe the influence of the cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together (NHT) equipped by the Word Square towards the students’ activity, the skill process, the gain of achievement minimum criteria, and the students’ response. This study is the experimental research with pretest – post-test Control Group Design. The technique of collecting the data was taken by documentation, observation, written test, and questionnaire. The data was analyzed by the description of the percentage, and the differentiate test by t-test. The cooperative learning NHT influences the students’ learning activity, the skill process, the students’ gain on achievement minimum criteria, and the response. The students’ classical gain on the achievement minimum criteria is 95,65%, and 99,76% of the students gave the positive response in the application of cooperative learning. The conclusion of the study is that the application of Cooperative Learning model type of NHT equipped by Word Square effectively influenced towards the students’ activity, the process skill, and improved learning outcomes.