

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang
valid, efektif  dan praktis. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan (R&D)
dengan tahapan mengacu pada model 4-D. Subyek penelitian siswa kelas V SDN
Limpung 01 tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Uji coba terbatas diambil 12 siswa dan
untuk uji coba sekala luas sebanyak 43 siswa. Hasil validasi menunjukkan perangkat
pembelajaran valid dengan rata-rata skor 3,55. Proses pembelajaran efektif ditandai
dengan aktivitas belajar siswa sebesar 90,21%, ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal
88,37% dengan nilai rata-rata 77,31. Prestasi belajar terjadi kenaikan ditunjukkan
N-Gain sebesar 0,52 dengan katagori sedang, serta hasil uji one sample t test nilai
thitung tabel sebesar 5,048 sedangkan nilai ttabel  sebesar 1,684 sehingga dapat
di ketahui thitung>ttabel sehingga disimpulkan perangkat pembelajaran efektif.
Perangkat juga praktis berdasarkan respons siswa sangat baik dengan rata-rata
respons 91,72% dan guru juga meberikan respons baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut
perangkat pembelajaran valid, efektif, dan praktis sehingga  tujuan pengembangan
perangkat tercapai.


This research aims to produce valid, effective and practical Science Learning instruments.
This research includes Research and Development by stages based on 4-D. The subject is the
fifth graders of  SD Negeri Limpung 01 study year 2012/2013. Limited testing is only 12
students and for large scale testing is as many as 43 students. The result shows after validated
by the expert toward the learning instrument, it is obtained a valid instrument with average
score 3.55. The learning process is effective characterized by student learning activity reached
90.21%, classical study comprehensiveness is 88.37% with average score 77.31%. The
learning achievements are increasing, indicated by N-Gain of  0.52 with the medium category,
also the assessment result of  one sample t test, t¬count table score is 5.048 whereas ttable is
1.684 therefore it can be seen tcount>ttable consequently it can be concluded that the learning
instrument is effective. The instrument is also practical based on excellent students’ response
91.72% and also teacher good response.  Based on those results the instrument is valid, effective
and practical so that the aim of  the instrument development is achieved.