
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menguji keefektifan metode ekspresi tulis dan ekspresi visual dalam model kreatif produktif pada pembelajaran apresiasi cerpen dan menulis kreatif bermuatan konservasi budaya dan menjelaskan interaksi antara kemmapuan peserta didik mengapresiasi cerita pendek dan menulis kreatif dengan minat peserta didik terhadap karya sastra, baik minat tinggi maupun rendah. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial dua kelas eksperimen Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji T untuk mengetahui perbedaan keefektifan kedua metode dalam pembelajaran dan Uji F MANCOVA untuk mengesahkan interaksi antara kemmapuan peserta didik mengapresiasi cerita pendek dan menulis kreatif dengan minat sastra tinggi dan rendah. Hasilnya, metode ekspresi tulis lebih efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran apresiasi cerpen dan menulis kreatif pada peserta didik memiliki minat sastra tinggi dan rendah. Minat peserta didik terhadap karya sastra tidak berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan peserta didik mengapresiasi cerita pendek dan menulis kreatif yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode ekspresi tulis dan visual.


This research aims to show the effectiveness of Written Expression Method and Visual Expression Method in Creative Productive Model on students’ academic achievement of short story appreciation and creative writing in Indonesian class. This research is also intended to investigate that whether or not students’ interest in literary works interact with those academic achievements especially in Junior High School students. This research was a quasi-experimental study on two different intact groups of the seventh graders in Junior High Schools. The statistical analysis used were T-test to see the different effect of Written Expression and Visual Expression Method on academic achievement, and MANCOVA to prove whether or not students’ interest in literary works interact with the academic achievements on both groups. The findings by T-test showed that Written Expression Method proved to be more effective on both groups of students who have high and low interest in literary works compared to the Visual Expression Method. The test of MANCOVA showed that the methods were significantly influence the improvement of academic achievement. However, it was also proved that students’ interest in literary works as the covariate didn’t interact with the academic achievement of short story appreciation and creative writing.