
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) menghasilkan produk Sistem Informasi Manajemen Tenis Meja (SIMTM) yang tepat bagi Pengprov PTMSI Jawa Timur; (2) menguji efektivitas produk SIMTM pada Pengprov PTMSI Jawa Timur; (3) mengetahui keterterimaan produk SIMTM di Pengprov PTMSI Jawa Timur, sehingga diharapkan produk SIMTM dapat berperan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan operasional harian sampai perencanaan jangka panjang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model prosedural yang dikembangkan Borg and Gall, tetapi hanya memakai 3 langkah saja, meliputi: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data; (2) perencanaan; dan (3) pengembangan. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi lapangan, penyebaran angket, pendataan dokumen, dan arsip. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa software SIMTM berbasis web dengan tingkat: (1) relevansi tampilan konten, lemah (0,6%), cukup (21%), kuat (54,5%), dan sangat kuat (23,9%); (2) akurasi informasi konten, sangat lemah (2,6%), lemah (6,2%), cukup (24,7%), kuat (33,1%), dan sangat kuat (33,4%); (3) relevansi informasi waktu, lemah (6,2%), cukup (24,7%), kuat (33,1%), dan sangat kuat (33,4%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini simpulan yang diperoleh adalah relevansi tampilan kuat, akurasi informasi konten sangat kuat dan relevansi informasi waktu sangat kuat.

The purposes of this research was: (1) to produce Table Tennis Management Information Systems (SIMTM-Sistem Informasi Manajemen Tenis Meja) that appropriate for East Java PTMSI province management; (2) to examine the effectiveness of SIMTM product on East Java PTMSI province management; (3) to know the acceptance rate of SIMTM product on East Java PTMSI province management. So, it is hoped that the SIMTM product plays a significant role in decision-making process of daily operations up to long-term planning. The method used was Borg and Gall development model. However, this research only used three steps, consists of: (1) research and information collecting; (2) planning; and (3) developing. The process of data collection was done by field observation, questionnaire, and data collection from documents and archives. The results of this study was a web-based SIMTM software, which: (1) the relevance of the content display, weak (0.6%), sufficient (21%), strong (54.5%), and very strong (23.9%); (2) the accuracy of the content information, very weak (2.6%), weak (6.2%), sufficient (24.7%), strong (33.1%), and very strong (33.4%); (3) the relevance of the time information, weak (6.2%), sufficient (24.7%), strong (33.1%), and very strong (33.4%). The conclusions based on the results showed that the relevance of content display was strong, the accuracy of content information was very strong, and the relevance of time information was very strong.