
The background of this study is that there are still shortcomings, weaknesses, and lack of consistency of the Rukun Tennis Club players, especially in rallying, the average player hitting 0-4 strokes when expanding the rally. This study aims to analyze the drive and leg length training methods of the Rukun Tenis Club players in Kudus and is a quasi-experimental study with a sample of 16 people. The data analysis technique used is the technique of analysis of variance (ANAVA) 2x2 factorial design at a = 0.05. The results of the type of exercise variable were obtained fcount > ftable = 6.61 > 4.49, the results of the variable leg length were obtained fcount < ftable = 2.60 < 4.49, the results of the variable type of leg length exercise obtained fcount< ftable = 2.57< 4.49. The conclusion of this study is that there are differences in the effect of drive ten on the baseline exercise and drive kamikaze exercise on the ability to rally 3 minutes in Rukun Tenis Club players in 2021. There is no difference in the effect of long and short legs on the ability to rally 3 minutes in Rukun Tenis Club players In 2021, there is no interaction between the drive training method and the length of the legs on the 3-minute rally ability in the Rukun Tennis Club players in 2021.