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Akhmad Fajri Widodo
Graduate School of Physical Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Heny Setyawati
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Tandiyo Rahayu
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Rafikoh Rafikoh
Junior High School 2 Selomerto, Wonosobo
Iftitakhur Rohmah
School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Chien-Wei Chen
International Sport Science Master’s Program, College of Human Development and Health, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan
How to Cite
Self-Efficacy, Self-Confidence, Achievement Motivation, and Its Relationship Towards Competitive Anxiety
- Akhmad Fajri Widodo ,
- Heny Setyawati ,
- Tandiyo Rahayu ,
- Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma ,
- Rafikoh Rafikoh ,
- Iftitakhur Rohmah ,
- Chien-Wei Chen
Vol 11 No 4 (2022): December 2022
Submitted: May 3, 2023
Published: Dec 30, 2022
Psychological factors play an important role in improving athletes’ competitiveness and personal development. One of the most common conditions athletes experiences during matches is competitive anxiety. In this study we examined the relationship between competitive anxiety and psychological factors such as self-efficacy, self-confidence, and achievement motivation in futsal players. In this cross-sectional study we enrolled 40 participants (30 male and 10 female) from the UFO Star Abadi Futsal Wonosobo team. We used the General Self-Efficacy Scale–Schwarzer (GSES), Sports Confidence Questionnaire, Sports Achievement Motivation Test (SAMT), and Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) to collect data. Path analysis showed that self-efficacy and self-confidence were significantly correlated with achievement motivation (p < 0.05). Achievement motivation was also significantly correlated with competitive anxiety (p < 0.05). Self-efficacy and self-confidence had direct (p = 0.146 and p = 0.154, respectively) and indirect (p = 0.188 and 0.231, respectively) effects on competitive anxiety. This indicates that both self-efficacy and self-confidence had an indirect effect on the relationship between competitive anxiety and achievement motivation. Improving futsal athletes’ levels of self-efficacy, self-confidence, and achievement motivation would thus help to reduce their competitive anxiety.