Evaluasi Program Bimbingan dan Pendidikan Cegah Hipertensi Kita (BIDIK CHINTA) Masa Pandemi Covid-19


Putri Maria Mardalina
Sofwan Indarjo


Based on data on the morbidity rate of the Wonosari II Klaten Health Center, the number of hypertension outpatient visits has decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the number of confirmed COVID-19 comorbid hypertension is increasing so that the Guidance and Education program to Prevent Our Hypertension (BIDIK CHINTA) has emerged at the Wonosari II Health Center Klaten. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of program evaluations in handling hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research uses qualitative methods. Informants in this study included the head of the Wonosari II Health Center, program holders, village midwives, health cadres, village heads and program participants determined by the purpose sampling technique. The results of this study indicate the success of the product in achieving the program target. Funds and organizational structure are good, the facilities in the program are adequate, but the infrastructure is not adequate this is due to the strict rules for limiting activities outside the home during the COVID-19 pandemic so that from 9 villages there are 6 village heads who have not allowed the program to run in their area. The obstacle in this study was that it was difficult to process old research permits due to differences in letter rules between the Health Office, Bapeda, Kesbangpol and Puskesmas difficulties in arranging schedules to meet informants because the busyness of each informant was unpredictable, many informants provided answers, out of topic so that researchers must be smart in sorting out which ones should be included in the thesis research.


How to Cite
Mardalina, P., & Indarjo, S. (2022). Evaluasi Program Bimbingan dan Pendidikan Cegah Hipertensi Kita (BIDIK CHINTA) Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 3(1), 14-17. https://doi.org/10.15294/jppkmi.v3i1.59715