Analysis of Structure and Techniques of Pancula Ndeme By Justinus Hokey on Classic Guitar Composition

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Juanita Theresia Adimurti
Fery Virgiawan Tampatonda


This study aims to describe the structure and techniques of playing Pancula Ndeme by Justinus Hokey on classical guitar composition. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data analyzed is the sheet music of Pancula Ndeme. The results of this study indicate that the structure of this composition consists of several parts, namely Introduction – A – B – C – A – B – Coda. There are four motifs in section A (m1, m2, m3, m4), two sentences (sentences a and a'), and two themes in each sentence. Section B consists of three motifs (n1, n2, n3), two phrases (phrase b and b'), and two themes in each sentence. Section C consists of 2 motifs (o1 and o2). The guitar playing techniques contained in this composition are the right-hand technique and the left-hand technique. The right-hand techniques found in this composition include; apoyando, tirando, and strumming techniques. The left-hand techniques contained in this composition include; slur, barre, and harmonic.

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How to Cite
Adimurti, J., & Tampatonda, F. (2023). Analysis of Structure and Techniques of Pancula Ndeme By Justinus Hokey on Classic Guitar Composition. Jurnal Seni Musik, 12(1), 52-59.