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Alwisol. 2009. Psikologi Kepribadian edisi revisi. Malang: UMM Press.
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Brandy Curtell. 2010. Effect of contracts in decreasing in appropriate behavior of students with emotional/behvior disabilities. Thesis. The Faculty of The Departement of Curriculum and Intruction East Carolina University. http://smanticscholar.org
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Chevalier, N. T. 2012. The tojen economy; reducing the discruptive and off task behavior. Thesis. Amerika. https;//researchgate.net.
Cristhopher (2013) the improvement of the discipline for early childhood trough token economy technique. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v212.124
Daroji. 2016. Peningkatan kedisiplinan datang di sekolah melalui layanan konseling behavioral di SMK. Jurnal Managemen Pendidikan.Vol.11,No. 2.https://www.neliti.com/publications/112120
Danica, M. Diaz. 2010. Comparing the effectiveness of behvioral contracts use function based reinforcers versus higly prefereed items for attention maintained behviors. University of South Florida Scholar Commons. http:// scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd
Desandi, R. N. (2007). Program bimbingan belajar untuk mengurnagi prokrastinasi akademik siswa SMA. Psikologis universitas Diponegoro semarang. Skripsi. Universitas Diponegoro: Semarang
Frank,Timothy. Lauren F.V. Scharff. 2013. Learning contracts in undergraduate courses: impacts on student behaviors and academic performance. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 13, No. 4. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1017121.pdf
Laforge. 2005. Applying explanatory style to academic procrastination. Journal of The Academy of Business Education Proceedings, 6, hlm.1-7. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a28b/34c762d3a6a27cffcd4b2dfc81755e676203.pdf
Mugiarso, Heru. 2009. Bimbingan dan konseling. Semarang. UPT UNNES Press
Mujiyati. 2015. “Mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa melalui teknik token economyâ€. Jurnal Fokus Konseling. Volume 1 No. 2, 142-150. http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/fokus/article/
Munawaroh, Martika, Laely. 2017. “Tingkat prokrastinasi akademik siswa sekolah menengah pertama muhammadiyah 9 yogyakartaâ€. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2(1), 26-31. ISSN 2503-3417 ISSN 2548-4311. http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i12017p026
Nitami, Daharnis & Yusri. 2015. Hubungan motivasi belajar dengan prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Konselor Volume 4 Number 1 ISSN: 1412-9760 .http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/konselor
Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. 2004. Academic Procrastination and statistic anxiety.assessment & evaluation in higher Education, Journal of Counseling Psychology Vol. 29 No. 1 (3-19).University of South Florida, USA. https:www.tandfonline.com
Rahmawati. 2015. Token ekonomi sebagai upaya meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika. Thesis. Uneversitas negeri yogyakarta. http;//eprints.uny.ac.id
Ramadhan, Pangersa & winata, Hendri. 2061. Prokrastinasi akademik menurunkan prestasi belajar siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran. Vol 1. http//;journal.uin.alaudin.ac.id
Solomon, J, L. Rothblum, D. 1984. Academic prokrastination: frequency and cognitive-behavior corralates. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Vol 31. No 4. 508-509. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Sari, Dewi, Novita. â€Hubungan antara stres terhadap guru dengan prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakartaâ€. Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan . http://garuda.ristekdikti.go.id
Tjundjing. Sia 2006. “Apakah prokrastinasi menurunkan prestasiâ€. Indonesian Psychological Journal. Vol. 22, No. 1, 17-27. https://www.researchgate.net
Wahyudi, agus. 2017. Teknik Behavior dalam menangani perilaku indisipliner siswa pada korban perceraian di SMP diponegoro sleman yogyakarta. Cendekia Vol. 15 No. 1, http://journal.iainponorogo.ac.id
Zakiyah, N., Hidayati, F. N. R., & Setyawan, I. 2010. “Correlation between selfadjustment and academic procrastination at student’s of boarding school SMPN 3 peterongan jombangâ€. Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro. Vol. 8, No.2. https://ejournal.undip.ac.id
Widiyastuti, Tri. Japar. Sugiyadi. 2016. Konseling kelompok dengan teknik behavior contract terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi akademik siswa (penelitian pada siswa kelas VIII G SMP Negeri 10 Magelang). Jurnal Penelitian & Artikel Pendidikan https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jubk/article/view
Akmal, Sari. 2015. Hubungan self efficacy akademim dengan prokrastinasi akademik pada mahasiswa yang menyelesaikan skripsi. Psympatathik, jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Doi; 10. 15575/psy.v3i2.900
Aljuhaish, S. F. (2015). The effectiveness of behaviourist's token economy system on teaching english as a second language at saudi schools in kuala lumpur. International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, http://www.noveltyjournals.com.
Alwisol. 2009. Psikologi Kepribadian edisi revisi. Malang: UMM Press.
Anisa & Ernawati. 2018. Pengaruh prokrastinasi akademik terhadap hasil belajar biologi siswa SMA negeri kota makasar. Jurnal biotek volume 6. https://ejournal.uin.alaudin.ac.id
Anggraini Weni. 2017. “Token Ekonomi Sebagai Upaya Mereduksi Prokrastinasi Akademikâ€. Seminar Nasional BK FIP-UPGRIS | 2017. http://prosiding.upgris.ac.id/index.php/snbk2017/snbkk2017/paper/view
Aitken, M.E. 2009. A personality of the college student procrastinator. University of Pitisburgh: Proques Dissetatation and Theses. http//search.proquest.com/docviw/303242158
Brandy Curtell. 2010. Effect of contracts in decreasing in appropriate behavior of students with emotional/behvior disabilities. Thesis. The Faculty of The Departement of Curriculum and Intruction East Carolina University. http://smanticscholar.org
Binder, K. 2000. The effect of an academic procrastination treatment on student procrastination and subjective wll being. Journal Carleton Universuty. http:// scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd
Busmayaril, A Havilla. 2018. Konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik behavior contract sebagai layanan pada peserta didik yang memiliki perilaku membolos. Konseli;jurnal bimbingan dan konseling (E-jurnal). http://smanticscholar.org
Corey, G. 2009. Teori dan Praktek Konseling dan Psikoterapi. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.
Chalimi. 2013. Implementasi teknik behavior contract untuk memotivasi siswa dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan rumah (pr) di madrasah tsanawiyah negeri (MTSN) pilangkenceng madiun. Jurnal Pendidikan Islami. Htpps://www.ejournal.iai.tribakti.ac.id
Chevalier, N. T. 2012. The tojen economy; reducing the discruptive and off task behavior. Thesis. Amerika. https;//researchgate.net.
Cristhopher (2013) the improvement of the discipline for early childhood trough token economy technique. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v212.124
Daroji. 2016. Peningkatan kedisiplinan datang di sekolah melalui layanan konseling behavioral di SMK. Jurnal Managemen Pendidikan.Vol.11,No. 2.https://www.neliti.com/publications/112120
Danica, M. Diaz. 2010. Comparing the effectiveness of behvioral contracts use function based reinforcers versus higly prefereed items for attention maintained behviors. University of South Florida Scholar Commons. http:// scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd
Desandi, R. N. (2007). Program bimbingan belajar untuk mengurnagi prokrastinasi akademik siswa SMA. Psikologis universitas Diponegoro semarang. Skripsi. Universitas Diponegoro: Semarang
Frank,Timothy. Lauren F.V. Scharff. 2013. Learning contracts in undergraduate courses: impacts on student behaviors and academic performance. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 13, No. 4. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1017121.pdf
Laforge. 2005. Applying explanatory style to academic procrastination. Journal of The Academy of Business Education Proceedings, 6, hlm.1-7. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a28b/34c762d3a6a27cffcd4b2dfc81755e676203.pdf
Mugiarso, Heru. 2009. Bimbingan dan konseling. Semarang. UPT UNNES Press
Mujiyati. 2015. “Mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa melalui teknik token economyâ€. Jurnal Fokus Konseling. Volume 1 No. 2, 142-150. http://ejournal.stkipmpringsewu-lpg.ac.id/index.php/fokus/article/
Munawaroh, Martika, Laely. 2017. “Tingkat prokrastinasi akademik siswa sekolah menengah pertama muhammadiyah 9 yogyakartaâ€. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2(1), 26-31. ISSN 2503-3417 ISSN 2548-4311. http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i12017p026
Nitami, Daharnis & Yusri. 2015. Hubungan motivasi belajar dengan prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Konselor Volume 4 Number 1 ISSN: 1412-9760 .http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/konselor
Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. 2004. Academic Procrastination and statistic anxiety.assessment & evaluation in higher Education, Journal of Counseling Psychology Vol. 29 No. 1 (3-19).University of South Florida, USA. https:www.tandfonline.com
Rahmawati. 2015. Token ekonomi sebagai upaya meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika. Thesis. Uneversitas negeri yogyakarta. http;//eprints.uny.ac.id
Ramadhan, Pangersa & winata, Hendri. 2061. Prokrastinasi akademik menurunkan prestasi belajar siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran. Vol 1. http//;journal.uin.alaudin.ac.id
Solomon, J, L. Rothblum, D. 1984. Academic prokrastination: frequency and cognitive-behavior corralates. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Vol 31. No 4. 508-509. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Sari, Dewi, Novita. â€Hubungan antara stres terhadap guru dengan prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakartaâ€. Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan . http://garuda.ristekdikti.go.id
Tjundjing. Sia 2006. “Apakah prokrastinasi menurunkan prestasiâ€. Indonesian Psychological Journal. Vol. 22, No. 1, 17-27. https://www.researchgate.net
Wahyudi, agus. 2017. Teknik Behavior dalam menangani perilaku indisipliner siswa pada korban perceraian di SMP diponegoro sleman yogyakarta. Cendekia Vol. 15 No. 1, http://journal.iainponorogo.ac.id
Zakiyah, N., Hidayati, F. N. R., & Setyawan, I. 2010. “Correlation between selfadjustment and academic procrastination at student’s of boarding school SMPN 3 peterongan jombangâ€. Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro. Vol. 8, No.2. https://ejournal.undip.ac.id
Widiyastuti, Tri. Japar. Sugiyadi. 2016. Konseling kelompok dengan teknik behavior contract terhadap penurunan prokrastinasi akademik siswa (penelitian pada siswa kelas VIII G SMP Negeri 10 Magelang). Jurnal Penelitian & Artikel Pendidikan https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jubk/article/view
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Muhamad Sahril Sidiq
SMK Persatuan Maospati, Magetan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Mulawarman Mulawarman
Universitas Negeri Semarang, indonesia
Awalya Awalya
Universitas Negeri Semarang, indonesia
How to Cite
Sahril Sidiq, M., Mulawarman, M., & Awalya, A. (2020). The Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling With Token Economy and Behavior Contract Techniques to Reduce Academic Procrastination. Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 9(2), 76-84. https://doi.org/10.15294/jubk.v9i2.36975
The Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling With Token Economy and Behavior Contract Techniques to Reduce Academic Procrastination
Vol 9 No 2 (2020): April 2020
Submitted: Jan 23, 2020
Published: Apr 21, 2020
Academic procrastination makes students’ learning outcomes low. As a result, they may not make it to the next level or even be expelled. Accordingly, this study was intended to examine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with token economy and behavior contract techniques to reduce the academic procrastination of the students of SMP IT Insan Cendekia Semarang. The study was experimental and used repeated measure design. The subjects were 16 students chosen using purposive sampling. Further, the data of this study were collected through students’ academic procrastination scale. After the analysis, there found that the experimental group with behavior contract technique gained higher reduction than the token economy group. Thus, counselors are suggested to apply token economy, and behavior contract in guidance and counseling services.