

Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) memberikan gambaran model instrumen supervisi BK yangditerapkan selama ini, (2) menghasilkan model instrumen supervisi BK yang handal yangdapat menggali lebih dalam unjuk kerja profesional guru BK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen supervisi BK yang dikembangkan mampu menggali semua komponen unjuk kerja profesional guru BK sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Permendiknas Nomor 27Tahun 2008 Tentang Standar Kualifikasi Akademik Kompetensi Konselor yang penjabaranlayanannya merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 81.ATahun 2013 Tentang Implementasi Kurikulum, khususnya pada lampiran IV bagian VIII, memanifestasikan komponen arah pelayanan program BK pada lima komponen pelayanan.


This reaserch is purposed to: (1) to depict the model of  the supervision instrument of  guidance and counsellingteacherswhichis currentlyimplemented, (2) tocreatethesmartermodel of the supervision instrumentof guidance and counselling which is able to dig up deeper skill and more profesional guidance andcounseliing teachers. Result of  the research describes that the developed supervision instrument of  the jobof  professional guidance and counselling teacher which is related to the regulation of  the Natural Ministryof Education (Permendiknas) number 27, 2008 on the subject of  the standard of  academic qualificationof the counsellor competence, which its implementation related to the regulation of  the Ministry of Education and Culture number 81A, 2013 on the subject of  the curriculum implementation, especially onthe attachment IV article VIII to conclude the componence aimed to service programme on guidance and counselling which contains of  five components.