
Era baru dalam dunia pendidikan, yaitu diperkenalkannya reformasi pendidikan yang berkaitan erat dengan system informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan dunia pendidikan, penelitian ini bertujuan 1) mengetahui kondisi pelaksanaan layanan karier di SMAN 1 Ponorogo 2) menemukan model layanan informasi karier dengan tehnik e-Learning 3) mengetahui tingkat keefektifan layanan informasi karier dengan tehnik e-Learning. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Metode yang dipakai one group pre test post test. Hasil dan simpulan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengetahui pelaksanaan layanan informasi karier di SMAN 1 Ponorogo 2)diketemukannya model layanan informasi karier dengan tehnik e-Learning untuk memantapkan arah pilih karier siswa kelas X 3) mengetahui tingkat keefektifan model layanan informasi karier dengan tehnik e-Learning untuk memantapkan arah pilih karier siswa kelas X.

Seeing a new era in education, namely the introduction of educational reforms that are closely related to the information systems needed in the development of education, then developed a career information service with e-Learning techniques aimed at 1) see the condition of the implementation of career services at SMAN 1 Ponorogo 2) find the implementation models career information with e-Learning techniques 3) look at the effectiveness of career information service with e-Learning techniques. Research and development is a method used to produce a particular product, and test the effectiveness of the product. Results and conclusions of this study were 1) to know the implementation of career information service in SMAN 1 Ponorogo 2) the discovery of career information service model with e-Learning techniques for establishing the direction select careers class X 3) determine the effectiveness of career information service model with techniques of e-Learning to select a career direction establish class X