
Masalah dalam penelitian ini bagaimana mengembangkan layanan bimbingan kelompok (Bkp) dengan pendekatan sistem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Subjek uji coba dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Validasi penelitian pengembangan ini dengan para ahli bimbingan dan konseling, dan para paktisi / konselor serta teman sejawat di SMA TN. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model Bkp berdasarkan pendekatan sistem efektif untuk meningkatkan resiliensi siswa kelas X di SMA TN terbukti skor pretest resiliensi 148 menjadi skore postest 170 atau meningkat 22 point. Peningkatan tersebut terjadi pada semua indikator resiliensi. Maka tujuan pengembangan model Bkp berdasarkan pendekatan sistem yang dilaksanakan di SMA TN Magelang tercapai dan memberikan dampak yang positif baik bagi siswa, konselor maupun bagi lingkungan sekolah. Model bimbingan kelompok berdasarkan pendekatan sistem ini dapat digunakan konselor sebagai salah satu model layanan dalam membantu siswa SMA meningkatkan resiliensi sehingga pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling lebih sistematis dan efektif.

The problem in this research is about how to develop the group supervision service by using system approach. This research uses research and development method. The piloting subject of this research are grade X students which are selected through purposive sampling techniques. The validation of this development research were done by the experts of Guidance and Counselling, and practitioners/counsellors as well as colleagues in Taruna Nusantara (TN) Senior-High School. The research results shows that the Group Supervision Models with system approach is effective to improve students’ resilience, proven by the improvement of the test, from 148 in the resilience test and 170 in the post-test wich means 20 points of improvement. This improvement also exist in all resilience indicators. Therefore the aims of developing group supervision model by using system approach which was carried out in TN Senior-High School are reached and give psitive impacts to the students, counsellors as well as the school environment. This Group Supervision models with system approach can be used by counsellor as on of the service models in helping High-School students improving the resilience so that the supervision and counselling services become more systematic and effective